The Student Room Group

Nottingham Trent University- Fashion Promotion and Communication Course

Just had an offer!! Was wondering if anyone else has? Xx

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Heya, when did u have ur interview.
i had mine on the 3rd Dec, for that course, and fashion marketing and branding course. n i still havnt heard anything, so i emailed but, guess i wont hear anything now till after xmas :frown:
but congrats on ur offer, u guna accept?
For fashion marketing I recieved two offers,one from mmu(international fashion marketing) and one one from ntu(fashion marketing and branding).Which one would you choose?
ive applyed for both of them, and so far im just waiting to hear from ntu to see if i have a place. and if i do ill accept it, but im putting mmu as my back up incase i dont get the grades for ntu. im picking ntu because i prefer the area, the course, and the uni. everything at ntu is close like ur accommadation is near to leacture halls and stuff, where as mmu, everything is a bit more spread out.
Thank you for your answer.What differences do you see in the two courses?
I've had offers from MMU (international fashion marketing) and received an offer from NTU to do fashion prom&comm, from my interview on dec 1st. EXCITED!!!

Camille, I havent applied for the same course as you at NTU, but id probably say NTU was the better uni out of the 2 of them. Have you been to visit? Course-wise, I'n not sure which is the better. xoxo
Reply 6
ive got an interview at nottingham trent for the fashion communication and promotion was the group interview structured?
Really, have you just got your invite now? I didn't realise they were going over such a long period of time, i had mine at the beginning of december, applied on that course too, it looks really good!
When is yours? Where else have you applied?
I can tell you plently about the group interview, its really good actually and having others in there doesnt make it quite so scary!
What would you like to know? xox
Reply 8
its tomorrow! lol. ive applied to huddersfield, uclan and northumbria, you? ohh anything helpful please! do they only stick to the questions they send you?
which is your first choice? ive excepted ntu as my firm. in my interview we only really had the question from the sheet, but we all had to introduce ourselves, which was a nice ice breaker. My interview was nice and relaxed!
Reply 10
i think huddersfield, but it depends how tomorrow goes, i really liked it on the open day, where else have you applied?
Manchester, manchester met, northampton and 2 courses at nottingham trent. got conditional offers for all of them, but i prefered the course at NTU, and i like the uni.
Reply 12
ohh cool, also, might sound a bit of a stupid question, but were people dressed quite smart?
well, i went dressed in black trousers, and a jumper, scarf, then braclets and stuff, and i think i was probs one of the most smart dressed ppl there. alot of people went in dresses nd leggins, or dark jeans and smart tops, but i cant say that there was anyone that i thought hadnt made an effort, everyone just did it in different ways.
Reply 14
oh, ok thanks :smile: its just, i went in trousers/heels for another interview and others were in skinnies and dresses and i just wondered if i should dress down a bit. thanks for your help :smile: im quite nervous haha
i was soo nervous b4 mine becuase it was my first choice, but when i was waiting for my interview i was just having a good chat to some of the other girls there, makes the interview so much easier. just relax, probs makes it easier.
abc1, hope your interview went well! I'm sure it was a breeze - i was so suprised how relaxing it was, who did you have to interview you? We had some guy called matt and omg he was so laid back he was horizontal. How did it go? x
Reply 17
haha! it was ok i think! i hope i contributed enough, i had a lady, cant remember what she was called :/ she seemed nice but didnt really seem to let on if she was impressed by anyone haha xx
i've got an interview for fashion promotion and communication, on weds 11th feb!
i've been worrying about what to wear lol~ this thread was helpfullll!
hope to see some of you in sept! xxo.
its really an easy interview, as long as u have enough input on the questions, and u make the effort to be nice lol.

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