The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
a good ********************
i got a txt from my best mate who is a girl for whom i wrote a "gorgeous poem which touched" her
Reply 3
I got a txt message from my boyfriend telling me he can't make our date tommorow cause he has to work. He's luck i'm understanding :smile:
i got nothin
Reply 5
**** all, i had an invitation to diner but i didnt really like the guy so i turned him down and really pissed him off! now i am alone, that's just great, god im so stupid!
Reply 6
Well my Josh and I had a very romantic date at the orthopaedic surgeon. I specifically asked for no flowers/choccies. When I was complaining about what a **** day we were having on the way out Josh started singing "I love you baby" at the top of his lungs like Heath Ledger did in 10things I hate about you. It was hilarious. Then we went and got some coffee and drank it in the park in the city where he gave me a pair of freshwater pearl earrings. Then we went home and had a glorious meal with my family and their partners.

A wildly fun day indeed.
Reply 7
My dad bought me a helium heart ballon, coz i never get nething.
This year was the 1st year since I was 15 I got nothing, feel really crap cos of it aswell.........
This year was the 1st year since I was 15 I got nothing, feel really crap cos of it aswell.........

are you 17? :biggrin:
are you 17? :biggrin:

61 next week
Reply 11
Got a Peter Kay Live DVD, and many hugs n kisses.
Reply 12
I got a txt!
Reply 13
I got a text saying "Happy valentines day"
Reply 14
I text of my (female) friend. Non-one loves me :frown:
My sorta-boyfriend person didn't even send me a text. Grrr.
Reply 16
Bugger all :smile:
My sorta-boyfriend person didn't even send me a text. Grrr.

same here. shall we dump them?
Reply 18
i got 1 card, and 2 kisses (on the cheek) from the 2 girls i gave cards too..overall ok considering this the the first time i have bothered in 2 or 3 years
Reply 19
I got from my bf a set of Swarovski's jewellery.--a bracelet and a necklace.I am loving them.(but not roses or chocolates)
how about you?

this :biggrin: