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Reply 1
Surely it depends on how well you look after your teeth and how many sweets and sugary things you consume?
Reply 2
Surely it depends on how well you look after your teeth and how many sweets and sugary things you consume?

Yep, but there must be a norm.! And I lok after my teeth really well, so what about in my case?
Reply 3
You should be ok but i'm not sure i'm not a dentist and rarely go to one myself!! I've never had any problems though... just brush twice daily and you'll have a smile like his... :biggrin: hehe!!
Reply 4
i have 1...but i aint been to the dentist for 5 years so...i might need more now. ah well...cant afford it
Reply 5
I've a few, don't notice them though
Reply 6
I have none but then I used to go to the dentist loads
Reply 7
Who here has a filling (in their permanent teeth!!)? When is it normal to start getting them, or should you be able to go on for decades without getting one?

I don't have any yet, but wondered how prevalent they are...

I don't have any yet either, and nor does my mum (and she's 45!).
Reply 8
I reckon a lot of it's genetic.... I eat so much chocolate, and sugary desserts etc, but nothing's getting passed my enamel! :biggrin: *big toothy grin*
however, I know someone who doesn't eat much sweet food at all, and nearly every one of his teeth are filled.

Not sure of typical ages though.
i have
Reply 10
2 for me I think, despite the fact that i've brushed twice a day my whole life and eat very little sugary things!
Reply 11
I have none. I'm always getting toothaches though, only to go to the dentist to be told that my teeth are perfect. It's kind of irritating.
you can get them very early on or wen ur 50, it depends on ur diet n amount of fluoride intake etc.
No fillings... two fake teeth though (not the entire tooth, a little over half - fell as a child :frown: )
I have so many fillings. I have really weak enamel on my teeth apparently-infact one of my teeth came through with no top layer of enamel, it is like a half a tooth and keeps needing to be rebuilt. Why the dentist just doesn't take it out I don't know. I hate the fact my teeth are so awful!!
I have quite a few, and a few of them are huge because they were originally badly done and fell out and when they get put in again they drill even more of my teeth out.
Reply 16
I've had perfect teeth my whole life never needed fillings or braces or anything like that...but then my mother was a dental nurse.
I don't know actually, I had 4 or 5 in baby teeth but I don't think I've had any in my adult set...I do happen to know I need one though :frown: My mum just keeps forgetting to book the dentists, I'm scared the dentist will go mental at me to, 'cos I've let the hole get kinda big!
I don't know actually, I had 4 or 5 in baby teeth but I don't think I've had any in my adult set...I do happen to know I need one though :frown: My mum just keeps forgetting to book the dentists, I'm scared the dentist will go mental at me to, 'cos I've let the hole get kinda big!

nah they'll b pleased that your goin, at my work experience i met someone who had never been to the dentist and they were in thier mid 50s! itl b fine :smile:
Reply 19
I reckon a lot of it's genetic.... I eat so much chocolate, and sugary desserts etc, but nothing's getting passed my enamel! :biggrin: *big toothy grin*
however, I know someone who doesn't eat much sweet food at all, and nearly every one of his teeth are filled.

Not sure of typical ages though.

I hardly ever eat sugary stuff and a brush 2x a day and I have a few. Sucks to be me. :frown: A while ago they tried to get me to put a brace in to straighten up my canines but I play the trumpet and a brace would screw up my playing for years so yeah.