The Student Room Group
Reply 1
A hell of a lot. It's slightly annoying meeting lots of people on the first day of your course hoping they might be in your hall as well and finding out they all live at home. Having said that they're all really nice!
Reply 2
Once you get over your stereotypical view about what Liverpool will be like it is a good city, pretty much the same as any Northern city really. Not a bad place to go if Liverpool is especially good at your course
Reply 3
yer some of the local people who got on the liverpool uni courses start off speaking scouse then after a while they realise all the other out of town people arnt realy that posh then they start to change their accent to become more "employable" but scousers are still the cleverest people there because their quick thinkers specialy when it comes to jokes etc.
Reply 4
Liverpool's not that bad. Some areas are rough and the accent does my head in, but I'm stuck living there during hols for the mo so I have to like it!