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Has anyone heard of this? I'm not sure if I've used the right term or whatever but my aunty said she did a test when she went university and they found out that she had it and that its the reason she's basically clumsy and stuff, I think I might have it as well but when I looked it up on a search engine I couldn't find anything so I've either spelt it wrong or misheard the term
It's dyspraxia.
lol thanks
I wouldn't mind having a test to see if I have it because I just looked it up on a website and I have quite a few of the symptoms but would it affect my chances in jobs and stuff it it were on record that I had it?
I wouldn't mind having a test to see if I have it because I just looked it up on a website and I have quite a few of the symptoms but would it affect my chances in jobs and stuff it it were on record that I had it?

They're not meant to discriminate on such grounds. I'd get it tested.
well my ideal career is to be in a public service or armed force and they can be quite picky when it comes to recruiting I mean when I had my royal navy medical one lad failed because he needed a filling well he did pass but only on the condition he got it sorted
I wouldn't say I'm that bad the only symptoms I have are I'm quite obsessive, have problems sleeping sometimes and no hand eye coordination and no rhythm and that with physical movements and stuff, probably why I've had so many driving lessons as well