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Missed an exam, what to do???

ok so basically i am in my first year at uni and have scewed around alot, only been to a few lectures some modules never even been to. it hasnt helped that i have never studied this subject before. anway i missed an exam thats worth 50% anyone know what i should do? im ready to get off my ass and work now and will be going to all my lectures. any advice would be amazing. thanks.
Reply 1
Why did you miss the exam and lectures? :lolwut: Contact a teacher, maybe they'll make you do a resit or something? Goodluck!
Reply 2
i'd be shocked if they gave you a second chance after not going to lectures AND missing an exam, but they might. speak to a teacher.
Reply 3
What uni are you at? I would be surprised if they let you take the exam which means your probably looking at failing the year and having to do it again if it is worth 50%, do you mean 50% of your entire year or just of a module.
Reply 4
Well last year I missed an exam and then I went to my doctors that day saying it was an exam and said I was so nervous I fainted and missed it... Then he signed this letter and gave it to me and I gave it to my seniour examining officer... I got my predicted grade for that module at the end..

But it was for a GCSE module so...:dontknow: for your case, it might work?
Reply 5
ok so basically i am in my first year at uni and have scewed around alot, only been to a few lectures some modules never even been to. it hasnt helped that i have never studied this subject before. anway i missed an exam thats worth 50% anyone know what i should do? im ready to get off my ass and work now and will be going to all my lectures. any advice would be amazing. thanks.

Step 1: talk to your teachers.
Step 2: highlighted in bold.

maybe you will be able to get 40%....
Reply 6
There may not be anything you can do about that module now that you missed the exam. They might fail you for that module. I doubt they'll let you do a resit unless you have a legit excuse.

If you work your ass off you might pass.
Do they have summer resits? They will probably let you take the exam then but you may have to pay for it. Depending on your uni's rules on this sort of thing though you might need to give a good excuse.
Reply 8
Depends what your uni policy is, if you have a legitimate reason for not turning up to lectures or your exam (i.e. illness, disability etc.) then you might be excused from it.

I would try to talk to your tutor about it or if you have a chance of a summer resit, I would pay and do it.

But another question you should ask yourself is you say you going to work hard but do you want to work and catch up on a whole semesters' worth plus more on a subject you've never studied before? It's probably not uncommon for your situation to happen to other people but if you missed almost a whole semester and an exam, it's usually a sign to maybe quit uni altogether or redo the year.
Reply 9
You accept the fact that you're likely to fail and work your ass off for the re-examination period in the summer
Reply 10
a) It's first year so you only need to pass as it doesnt count towards the degree (seems to be a general policy with unis Ive got mates at), so if you've got the CA 50%, you'll pass the module, not fantastically, but you'll pass.

b) If you fail a module you have to resit in the summer in order to progress, some people on my course did a complete resit in the summer, and have now progressed, so it's possible. Ill also say make sure you attend this term.
Reply 11
thanks guys ill talk to my tutor first thing when i get back to uni. and ill find out about resit chances.
Reply 12
I think resitting the first year would be the best option for you. If you haven't studied the subject before, then the first year is more important for you than it is for most. The first year will give you the basic neccessities that you will need to know. You will have missed vast amounts of this.

I presume you won't know to much about the subject so the fact you have missed so much will make it nearly impossible for you to pass. If by some miaracle you do pass you will still lack basic knowledge others will possess.

Speak to your programme leader. It will be best to have your reasons and excuses prepared. Don't simply say you couldn't be bothered because they will be unsympathetic. Tell them you struggled to adjust to university life or something along those lines.

I honestly think resitting would be your best option. I doubt you will know to many of your coursemates either so it presents opportunities to get to know them next year.

Don't let this situation occur again! Work hard and attend!
If you haven't studied the subject before, then the first year is more important for you than it is for most. The first year will give you the basic neccessities that you will need to know. You will have missed vast amounts of this.


I think the importance of first year is overlooked far too often - just because it doesn't play a direct part in your final result.
Missed 2nd year admission fees what can I do