The Student Room Group

Teacher-student relationship

Here's the thing, there's this girl, who just left my school this year. She's 15 and today I found out (through random gossip) that she is now dating my basketball coach (who's 25 and also teaches P.E. at my school). I didn't believe it at first but turns out, it's actually true (there's now a betting pool where people are trying to guess when he'll be fired)

Some of my friends thought it was no big deal, so, am I the only one who thinks it's decidedly weird (not to mention a little creepy) that the girl can date not only someone so much older but who used to be her teacher (until very recently)?

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Reply 1
hmmm... apparantly I am...
Reply 2
I definitely think it's weird. What's the age of consent in Brazil?
Reply 3
what odds for within the next month?
I was accused of a relationship with my physics teacher in yr 11. He was like a father figure to me while my father was in hospital on his death bed and my mother drank herself into oblivion. Believe nothing until she tells you personally. Those rumours made a bad situation worse for me.
Reply 5
I definitely think it's weird. What's the age of consent in Brazil?

18; 14 and older only prosecutable after complaint by minor or parents; 12-13 only prosecutable after complaint by parents, with stronger penalties
Reply 6
I was accused of a relationship with my physics teacher in yr 11. He was like a father figure to me while my father was in hospital on his death bed and my mother drank herself into oblivion. Believe nothing until she tells you personally. Those rumours made a bad situation worse for me.

he admitted it himself...
I didn't believe the rumours either at first (thought it was really silly actually) but he admits it freely since she isn't his student anymore...
Reply 7
A guy in my year was going out with our biology teacher for most of last year. She resigned during the summer when "next year's" school captain saw them getting it on at a club! Most of the people in our year knew, but didn't bother complaining. I guess it is a boys' school thing... (she was only 22-23 and he was 17/18)
Reply 8
Natalie Lane
18; 14 and older only prosecutable after complaint by minor or parents; 12-13 only prosecutable after complaint by parents, with stronger penalties

you seem to know an awful lot about this stuff :cool:
I had a hot teacher that i wished i could have hooked up with. :frown:

I always seemed to get on too well with the less attractive ones. Lol. :frown:
Reply 10
A guy in my year was going out with our biology teacher for most of last year. She resigned during the summer when "next year's" school captain saw them getting it on at a club! Most of the people in our year knew, but didn't bother complaining. I guess it is a boys' school thing... (she was only 22-23 and he was 17/18)

ummm... maybe it should but for some reason that doesn't sound so bad (to me at least) Think I find it creepy that my coach is dating someone of 15 and still teaches girls that age, so it's like for the first time I realise that he actually sees his students as girls and not only students (does that make sense? sounds a bit silly but...)
Reply 11
you seem to know an awful lot about this stuff :cool:

ummmmm... :embarasse

actually, copy&pasted from a site...
didn't really know... :smile:
Reply 12
A girl (with whom I spent the better part of last year being infatuated) confessed to me, in the twilight days of our friendship, her reciprocal illicit infatuation with our school's Head of Music - twice her age; but, like her, a manic depressive. To this day, and despite having been spurned by that self-same lady (on my eighteenth birthday, no less), I haven't told a soul. But my God, do I resent her.
I think thats wrong especially considering he was in a position of trust with her as a teacher, 10 years is a big age gap at that age considering she's 15 and he's 25 regardless of differences in culture e.t.c. I'm 18 and a 15 year old girl fell for me and I sort of welcomed her advances because I thought she was older then when I found out her age I sort of rejected her but she kept coming back to me and after alot of thinking, I decided to go along with it because I had her mums approval and I had no intentions of sleeping with her because I'm catholic so I thought there would be no harm in me and her having a relationship if we did have. After being friends with her for a couple of months though and going through the stages of dating and that I've realised that there is a big difference in maturity between me and her, I mean I'm still very immature myself but there was differences between us and thats with a 3 year age gap, so with him and her having a 10 year one, I can't imagine how they could relate on an emotional level or whatever so it must be a purely physical relationship.
I think thats wrong especially considering he was in a position of trust with her as a teacher, 10 years is a big age gap at that age considering she's 15 and he's 25 regardless of differences in culture e.t.c. I'm 18 and a 15 year old girl fell for me and I sort of welcomed her advances because I thought she was older then when I found out her age I sort of rejected her but she kept coming back to me and after alot of thinking, I decided to go along with it because I had her mums approval and I had no intentions of sleeping with her because I'm catholic so I thought there would be no harm in me and her having a relationship if we did have. After being friends with her for a couple of months though and going through the stages of dating and that I've realised that there is a big difference in maturity between me and her, I mean I'm still very immature myself but there was differences between us and thats with a 3 year age gap, so with him and her having a 10 year one, I can't imagine how they could relate on an emotional level or whatever so it must be a purely physical relationship.

I dont think that it's the gap between their ages that matters. I know lot's of 20 year old girls that date 30 year olds. SHE IS STILL A MINOR FFS. There's definitely something fishy about it. Unless the school teacher is that wasted that cannot hook up with girls of his own age. Which i highly doubt...
Reply 15
well last time we had a teacher (24?) going out with someone from the year above (19?)...
well last time we had a teacher (24?) going out with someone from the year above (19?)...

I don't see I problem with that. Of course minor details about them and the kind of relationship they had are important to make a correct judgement.
Reply 17
A guy in my year was going out with our biology teacher for most of last year. She resigned during the summer when "next year's" school captain saw them getting it on at a club! Most of the people in our year knew, but didn't bother complaining. I guess it is a boys' school thing... (she was only 22-23 and he was 17/18)

that doesnt seem that bad!
Reply 18
Natalie Lane
Here's the thing, there's this girl, who just left my school this year. She's 15 and today I found out (through random gossip) that she is now dating my basketball coach (who's 25 and also teaches P.E. at my school). I didn't believe it at first but turns out, it's actually true (there's now a betting pool where people are trying to guess when he'll be fired)

Some of my friends thought it was no big deal, so, am I the only one who thinks it's decidedly weird (not to mention a little creepy) that the girl can date not only someone so much older but who used to be her teacher (until very recently)?

Thats disgusting :eek: He'll be fired immediately wont he?

The psychology teacher at my school has gone out with three of his pupils but he just gets close and friendly with them first then waits until they leave school til he makes his move. One of them was my sister :frown: I think he picks a new victim every time he gets a new 6th form psychology group
Reply 19
well last time we had a teacher (24?) going out with someone from the year above (19?)...

thats not bad either.... atleast they kno what theyr doin!