There's one girl I know who has got into oxford, and she may be academically bright but otherwise lacks brains (eg. she said sheep cost £7000 each, which is a stupid statement because that would be bloody expensive lamb, and she also said that there are 3,000 hairs on your head and you lose 300 a day, in which case we'd have been bald since then 10th day of our birth unless we grew hair at a supersonic rate).
She also didn't want to go to oxford at all, but was instead literally forced to by her form tutor because she's pretty much all A*s and As. She preferred York university, and doesn't want to go to Oxford at all and is thinking of rejecting the offer to go to York, and has been thinking that she'd do that since she applied.
She's the most arrogant, horrifically annoying person I've met. I'm not making harsh, blind judgments when I say she didn't deserve a place there because I've known her for 7 years and was pretty close to her at one point but then we sort of drifted apart and she just turned into a horrific shell of the way she used to be.
She doesn't do anything at the weekend except go out, get drunk and take drugs. She's not done any extra curriculars in her life (I'm not even exaggerating). So she's basically good at her subject (chemistry) and nothing else.
Maybe she could cope with the academic rigour, but she's not clever and she's a mile behind most of the students in terms of actually deserving a place. She's not impressive at all, in my opinion, she's just another student who's good at their subject but not really outstanding, and not outstanding in any other way.
Edit: also, this is relevant because she is thinking of just taking up the offer now anyway, just because it's "Oxford", and I imagine she will and will just put York as her reserve, so she will end up getting in.