The Student Room Group

*** Computer Science at St. Andrews


Does anyone know how the CompSCI course at St. Andrews compares to the courses at (say) Manchester, Kent etc.

I'm asking because I've heard that at St. Andrews you would cover less material in a given time than in most other unis. (Well that's just my interpretation what's been said)

Also their entry requirements are quite low despite the fact that it is (the uni and the department) ranked highly in league tables.

Anyone can help me make up my mind? I'll be grateful for that.

Does anyone know how the CompSCI course at St. Andrews compares to the courses at (say) Manchester, Kent etc.

I'm asking because I've heard that at St. Andrews you would cover less material in a given time than in most other unis. (Well that's just my interpretation what's been said)

Also their entry requirements are quite low despite the fact that it is (the uni and the department) ranked highly in league tables.

Anyone can help me make up my mind? I'll be grateful for that.

Entrance requirements are low because you enter into a Scottish BSc which is 4 years not 3. Year 1 is pitched below the first year of a 3 year BSc in England (Scottish students enter with Highers which are like AS's not A2's). If you asked for second year entry, you would see the grade offer jump quite considerably. As for covering less material, I severely doubt that. I think you have to learn S-algol which is a bit useless, but apart from that it's a very good and well respected course.