@GraveMentor: If you wouldn't mind, I'd be very interested to get your basic impression of the graduate anthro students you have encountered. I'm accepted at to read for the MSc in Social Anthropology and I am curious what other types of people I can expect to encounter in my program/institute. Silly as it may sound, I am particularly interested in your perceived average age of anthro grad students. I will be 26 when I enter and I would hate to be the oldest one...
Other than that, thanks for a very informative post on colleges. Having grown up in an architecturally brutalist neighborhood in a dull city, I hope to be affiliated with a more historic college where I can at least get a dose of romantic architecture a couple of times avery week. However, if Wolfson is THE college for postgrad anthropologists, I guess I am likely to end up there. I just want to get the college process over with so I can sign the contract and begin planning my move to the UK.
@hobnob: Thank for the reference. Turns out I never consulted the Notes of Guidance... didn't even know they existed. Oops.