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Reply 1
how is it different to going out with someone? what does it mean?

it's not necessarily official? Sounds a bit promiscuous. It sounds like a phrase you'd use to say you're seeing someone behind closed doors...and that's it.
Reply 2
If you are just seeing someone you can see other people its not the same level of committment. You are not agreeing just to see them like you are when you are dating.
Reply 3
It's the "getting to know you on a romantic/sexual/relationship level prior to actually committing entirely to being monogamous with that person. It's testing the water and finding out if you're compatible, and when done properly, there should be no harm in seeing a couple of people before deciding the direction in which you want to head.

Also you can have sex with the person and not feel slutty. Which is another take.

getting to know you on a sexual level prior to committing... lovely isn't it? A female friend of mine told me that she made sure she had sex with a guy on the first night she had an opportunity to. If it's crap, there's no point in continuing...
Some people never learn.
Reply 4
ok another question.

if you have a bf and some other guy asks to have dinner with you is it ok to do so?
Reply 5
If you are just seeing someone you can see other people its not the same level of committment. You are not agreeing just to see them like you are when you are dating.

actually, officially and by definition, there is no commitment in dating. You can go on dates with several people. That's the idea. It was anyway when it became common in the 50s in the US.
Reply 6
ok another question.

if you have a bf and some other guy asks to have dinner with you is it ok to do so?

With YOUR bf, yes it is OK:smile:.
its sex without commitment
ok another question.

if you have a bf and some other guy asks to have dinner with you is it ok to do so?

Teep! :biggrin:

Well it depends what your intentions are. :rolleyes:
Reply 9
no ok ok its a bit to do with my mates 'bf'.

she thought she was seeing him as in seeing someone as they were not going out together but he take her out to dinner, to see film together etc. he says it they were not seeing each other and it is as m8s.

but if she wasnt single, i sure the bf wouldnt approve of them going out in this way tog, surely. if he asked a non single girl to have dinner with him, or to see a film with him im sure they'd say no cos they r not single. so surely this meaans they r seeing each other? :confused:
I always thought seeing someone was going out with them as in boyfriend and girlfriend, then again, I also pmsl was something to do with periods and kept wondering why girls kept telling me their problems...
Reply 11
I always figured going out with someone was 'going steady' and seeing someone was the step before that
Reply 12
yes so do i. so in my above post, were they seeing each other ? i think so?
I'm a bit confused is the boy and girl who went on a date both single?
Reply 14
yes unless you can think they were seeing each other. they are two single people who went to see a film togther, have dinner togther, seems to me they r seeing each other but he says this is not seeing each other
well I would call it that, it would have to a very good and close female friend for me to do those things with her. Maybe he's in denial over something
'seeing each other' implies sex... being friends who go to films is different to being friends who see films together and then have sex.

I go and see films, have lunch with lots of women - if I was shagging them I'd being 'seeing them' but as it is, im just having lunch.
Reply 17
thats EXACTLY what i said. but he said he'd take any one of his friends single or not single to see films tog, have dinner. but it seems they must be seeing each other? i dont see why hee'd be in denial. and after they had some arguement, he bought her a rose. but he has told her they are not seeing each other. i was like wtf?
maybe he just likes her and wants her as a friend or something. Is he looking for a girlfriend? how long has it been since his last relationship?
Reply 19
his last relationship bout a year ago, and also hers bout a year ago. but i think this is more than frinds. cos if a guy with a gf did this, he'd get dumped for cheating. surely they r seeing each other?seems kinda weird to do this 4 ur friends