The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Go and ask at your doctors or Nhs direct I'm sure they will have a factsheet on it.
There's a ton of information on the give blood website but none of it is what I'm looking for, I'll do a search now on the NHS website
There's a ton of information on the give blood website but none of it is what I'm looking for, I'll do a search now on the NHS website

you can consult your doctor about it if you want, i think they can answer any specific question regarding donating and your personal health. try nhs direct too
I was thinking of becoming a Bone Marrow donor and was wondering would there be any consequences if I actually donated it? Like would it adversely affect my health or prohibit me from doing certain jobs...I can't seem to find too much information on it, I just knows its a painful process

#yea painful process. but no wont affect u health, as body can rwgenerate it
Reply 5
Bonemarrow donors are my heroes, for very strong reasons :smile:
Reply 6
Bone Marrow Donors are great people... I intend to become one as soon as I turn 18. There's lots of good info on the anthony nolan website.
it won't stop you leading an otherwise normal life. It won't stop you getting a job and it won't knock you down for days on end.

I understand that it can be a bit painful; but that's a small price to pay for saving someone's life, really.

You have to be over a certain weight to do it, too. fill in this form and they can clear up any questions you may have and help you register if you want to.
if you're considering the anthony nolan route, go here

I've filled the form in, I was on the Anthony Nolan site before and it said it didn't matter which one you signed up for because they all work together
Reply 8
giving bone marrow is apparently one of the most painful things ever, :smile:
but everyone will love you, and girls will flock to you like blue tits to a nut feeder. :smile:
thanx thats really comforting I only filled it in because I read somewhere that someone said it wasn't that bad lol oh well its done now chances are I won't get called up and if I do I'll just have to bite down hard on a sock or something