tooooo much make up on girls can be a turn off sometimes, like when it looks like it could be scrapped off with a spoon or sumtin. not sure what category that would go under.
tooooo much make up on girls can be a turn off sometimes, like when it looks like it could be scrapped off with a spoon or sumtin
Would that be the biggest turn-off. If you met a girl you would normally find attractive, the fact that she wears too much mistake overrules the fact that she smells like she hasn't washed in two weeks?
i voted for being overweight/underweight, but all of them are bad. however i find grotesquely obese people rather sickening. same goes for really really skinny people. eurgh.
I don't wear make-up anyway - not a clue as to how to put them on, not a clue as to what everything is for or how to use them! - and really, not all that bothered - don't see the point in make-up
Come on. Bad hygiene has to be the most disgusting turn-off ever. So what if someone is overweight or slightly overweight, they can still have physical attributes that are attractive but if you smell like ****, you can look really fit but appear very unattractive.
What's a disgusting eater: someone who eats disgusting food or someone who has no manners?
no manners, chewing with mouth wide open, talkign with mouth full, take huge bites so it's splurting out etc... just makes you embarrased to go out for a meal with them and you don't want to look at all
Would that be the biggest turn-off. If you met a girl you would normally find attractive, the fact that she wears too much mistake overrules the fact that she smells like she hasn't washed in two weeks?