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I am constantly mope-ridden.
Reply 2
I am constantly mope-ridden.

Any particular reason why you are mope-ridden, as you put it?
Loads of reasons. Can't be arsed to go into them all as I'll be here all fricking day. Just gonna sit here and mope with you if that's alright ?
Reply 4
When I'm on my period :frown:
when I post a thread about a computr problem and nobody can explain it to me :frown: (anyone know a lot about computers out there?)
I mope if I dont win(unless i tried my best and was just out classed.)
Reply 8

I would get mopey too, I don't have enough money to buy a pair.
Reply 9
when I've really enjoyed myself for a few days or done something really fun, then I have to go back to normal life. The week or so after a holiday or school trip is always bad!
Reply 10
When I'm sat in on a friday/saturday night becasue my friends are rubbish
Reply 11
when I've really enjoyed myself for a few days or done something really fun, then I have to go back to normal life. The week or so after a holiday or school trip is always bad!

That basically just happened to me, I spend the most wonderful week with My Dark Goddess and then I have to come home.
Reply 12
When I haven't had my fix of chocloate for the day, I mope and get with drawal symptons, like on train spotting hehehe
Reply 13
I don't often mope.. I prefer to be positive, it's more fun even if you do annoy everyone by being constantly happy :smile: :biggrin:
Reply 14
F. Poste
I don't often mope.. I prefer to be positive, it's more fun even if you do annoy everyone by being constantly happy :smile: :biggrin:

But sometimes you can't be happy, especially not when you are seperated from the person you are in love with.
Reply 15
F. Poste
I don't often mope.. I prefer to be positive, it's more fun even if you do annoy everyone by being constantly happy :smile: :biggrin:

Heheh, yes it is :biggrin:
Reply 16
When i wake up and realise im going to fail all my subjects :smile:
Reply 17
That basically just happened to me, I spend the most wonderful week with My Dark Goddess and then I have to come home.

I went on a school trip to Rome in October, we had such a boss time. I got home and I just felt totally lonely and down for a good few weeks. Even spending time with some of the same ppl didn't compare to spending time with all of them in Rome. It took ages to get back to normal but in the end I had to snap out of it, I guess we should be grateful that we had such a good time, rather than dwell on the fact that it's over. At least you know that in the future you will have more wonderful weeks with your girlfriend...something to look forward to.
Reply 18
I went on a school trip to Rome in October, we had such a boss time. I got home and I just felt totally lonely and down for a good few weeks. Even spending time with some of the same ppl didn't compare to spending time with all of them in Rome. It took ages to get back to normal but in the end I had to snap out of it, I guess we should be grateful that we had such a good time, rather than dwell on the fact that it's over. At least you know that in the future you will have more wonderful weeks with your girlfriend...something to look forward to.

True, both of us have commented that we cannot see any reason why we should not be going out in september (when it will be our year aniversary.
Reply 19
But sometimes you can't be happy, especially not when you are seperated from the person you are in love with.

Yeah, you can't be happy all the time. I'm seperated from the person I'm with too, but I'm just happy that I'm with someone amazing.. maybe you should think about it that way :smile: