The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
i never liked capital.. virgin radio is much better
Reply 2
Cant get capital fm... I listen to Kerrang 105.2

I guarantee, his adverts are far less annoying than those F**KING RINGTONE ADVERTS! :mad:
Reply 3
he is quite attractive.. despite the thick neck
Reply 4
I hate him as well. Not a good way to start the morning.

I loved the breakfast show when tarrent was working it :biggrin:
It was an emotional day when he left :frown:
Reply 5
I don't listen to the radio
Reply 6
hmmm sorry but his annoyingness simply cant compare to that of other radio "greats" like chris moyles and sarah cox...

i never liked capital.. virgin radio is much better

amen to that
Mad Vlad
Cant get capital fm... I listen to Kerrang 105.2

I guarantee, his adverts are far less annoying than those F**KING RINGTONE ADVERTS! :mad:

what about the cute little chick ones? aw they are so sweet for about 30 seconds then you realise its kinda creepy and slightly gay
Reply 9
I can't stand him. He's so fake and cheesy... makes me want to :puke:
Urrgh.. slimey.
Him and Chris Moyles should have all hairs on their body pulled off slowly to maximise agony.

Yep, Virgin Radio rules. But I don't listen to the proper radio. I listen to the sessions, much better :smile:
hmmm sorry but his annoyingness simply cant compare to that of other radio "greats" like chris moyles and sarah cox...


No Chris Moyles is cool, Sara Cox isn't.
T. Hereford
No Chris Moyles is cool, Sara Cox isn't. you live in hereford?
Reply 12
Johnny Vaughan is the devil in disguise. He is so annoying and stupid and many other insulting things. Chris Tarrent was great, but Johnny Vaughan has totally ruined the breakfast show. Now listen to magic or virgin or kiss FM depending on how upbeat Im feeling lol.
Reply 13
His annoying capital fm adverts. Has anyone actually listened to him? 6am - 9am. He is awful. He makes fun of the singers' voices after he has put a record on, and all he does is a welsh accent every morning. I don't listen to capital fm in the morning any more and it's all because of him. Anyone else agree?

Completely disagree - he is very entertaining, plyas good music, does a lot of funny stuff.

Cool show - first Capital advert was better though.
Reply 14
what about the cute little chick ones? aw they are so sweet for about 30 seconds then you realise its kinda creepy and slightly gay

Just no! :mad:
Reply 15
Mad Vlad
Cant get capital fm... I listen to Kerrang 105.2

I guarantee, his adverts are far less annoying than those F**KING RINGTONE ADVERTS! :mad:

Well you can get Capital if you have a digital TV and you can listen online on the Capital website.
Reply 16
Well you can get Capital if you have a digital TV and you can listen online on the Capital website.

I'll stick with a radio station that plays a lower proportion of manufactured trash than most thanks.
Reply 17
Mad Vlad
I'll stick with a radio station that plays a lower proportion of manufactured trash than most thanks.

So, it's the music that puts you off more than Johnny Vaughan himself?

I think he is the best radio personality @ breakfast, prefer him to Pete and Geoff anyway. Chris Evans was great on Virgin breakfast.
Reply 18
So, it's the music that puts you off more than Johnny Vaughan himself?

I think he is the best radio personality @ breakfast, prefer him to Pete and Geoff anyway. Chris Evans was great on Virgin breakfast.

No... I'm referring to the fact that Capital FM doesn't play the music I like.

Chris Evans was a quality radio presenter. I used to listen to Virgin but stopped when he got sacked. Shame.

Ugly Phil on Kerrang however is rather good so I'm not at too much of a loss in the morning now :smile:
Chris Moyles is quality but I haven't heard Johnny Vaughan on the radio before. The Big Breakfast was the best show ever though.