So, uh, what were the conditions for auto-pooling again? 7A*s at GCSE or 95% in AS modules... I didn't get either of them (hi Graphic Design). So maybe that's a good sign. Someone posted in another thread the different 'pool categories' (or speculated ones at least)... anyone fancy guessing which one they might be in?
Also I hate waiting. It sucks
Anyone who is pooled has a reasonable chance of an offer - beyond that no-one can say. You can't be sure what category you are in - even if you think may have been auto-pooled you might be wrong! - so it doesn't help the stress levels to speculate about whether particular categories have a better or worse chance of success.
This is a tough process in which some people hit the jackpot and some don't. The bottom line though is that anyone who is pooled is of Cambridge standard - the problem is capacity, pure and simple - so even if it finishes up with a rejection, you can take credit for getting that far. Don't forget that there's another 8,000 or so people out there who got rejected outright.
anybody reinterviewed for history and heard anything? i was reinterviewed and havent heard anything yet... If you are rejected after interview, do your papers get sent back to your original college and you only hear from them?
Hello - another fellow poolee here! No letter/email/phonecall so far and SAQ stuck on original college. I am not expecting good news, rather an imminent and resounding REJECTION.
hello, still attempting to tread water, but slowly drowning after 2nd interview with churchill...called them up on wednesday and they hadn't reached a decision
desperately just want to be put outta my misery tbh...
wow reply was fast. i got rejected lol i've been expecting it. i'm actually quite happy that it's over. i think they finished making their decisions except for those reinterviewed.