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The "I've been pooled" thread

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Hi, just to help all you guys out and to add to your stats:

I'm a pool-ee for SPS, pooled from King's.

1 friend was pooled for SPS from Homerton and then fished out back to Homerton.

Another friend pooled for Arch & Anth from Queens' (I think) and fished into Newnam.

From King's, I know one other SPS pool-ee and one historian pool-ee who as far as I'm aware haven't been fished.

that's not even low UMS btw! :confused: ...
Chemistry c/w & Open Book Paper = hell :evil:

It's probably because in my most irrelevant AS I got 292/300 (geog), whereas chemistry is the second/joint most important for my course.
For Arch and Anth, no. I am still hoping though - it's not over 'till it's over.

haha i thought you were going to say it's not over till the fat lady sings...
Reply 1583
haha i thought you were going to say it's not over till the fat lady sings...

That was the alternative phrase, but I decided against it.
Regarding the general studies question I, in my brutal honesty said, "What did Happen to General studies? I did well in two exams but for third its like I wrote nothing." :laughing:
I'm hoping that, as NatSci is numerically the largest course at Cambridge (I think), it will take them longer to sort out the NatSci poolees than most other subjects. Hoping being the operative word here :ninja:
That was the alternative phrase, but I decided against it.

oh :o:
I'm hoping that, as NatSci is numerically the largest course at Cambridge (I think), it will take them longer to sort out the NatSci poolees than most other subjects. Hoping being the operative word here :ninja:

Law's big too
I think

Must be taking them ages
I hope
I'm hoping that, as NatSci is numerically the largest course at Cambridge (I think), it will take them longer to sort out the NatSci poolees than most other subjects. Hoping being the operative word here :ninja:

Methinks too. (that it's the largest)

& I really like the course as well, it's really almost perfect for what I want to do.

does anyone know how many people (about) have been fished out the pool for natsci so far? for direct offers and interviews.

Wait a sec let me just ask my dad he's a Cambridge admissions tutor :p:
I'm hoping that, as NatSci is numerically the largest course at Cambridge (I think), it will take them longer to sort out the NatSci poolees than most other subjects. Hoping being the operative word here :ninja:

i'm sailing on this hope as well =)
also, it looks like very few pooled natural scientists have heard much from other colleges...
Wait a sec let me just ask my dad he's a Cambridge admissions tutor :p:

serious? did anyone he knows interview you?
Wait a sec let me just ask my dad he's a Cambridge admissions tutor :p:

If that was a joke... :shoot:

If it wasn't, please ask him if how many places are left for lawyers... :P
It took me ages to figure out why i kept wanting to re-watch howl's moving castle.....

my eye's move past your signature, and i see, but i "don't see it".......
serious? did anyone he knows interview you?

Sorry it was sarcasm, god we really are getting desperate aren't we now :p:
Reply 1595
serious? did anyone he knows interview you?

I think he was being sarcastic
Sorry it was sarcasm, god we really are getting desperate aren't we now :p:

Oh :frown:
sarcasm! don't give me bloomin sarcasm! my head can barely string a sentence together at this moment.

It is in a very delicate state :banghead:

It took me ages to figure out why i kept wanting to re-watch howl's moving castle.....

my eye's move past your signature, and i see, but i "don't see it".......

spooky :fangs:
Right, ENOUGH!! I'm going.

i'm, and it's not you, it's me - i need to get outta this madness and forget this damnable pool.

Good luck guys, i'm gonna watch TV, something i have done in a while.....
Well done. I've also been pooled to Magdalene for more interviews. Got my call yesterday at school, it was so exciting. I don't think they'll be too many at Magdalene, hopefully not anyway. I looked at their stats and they only took 14 from the pool last year in total for all courses.

hi sorry if ive already asked this but has ur SAQ changed to Mage or still "inactive" because my SAQ has changed to Mag but i haven't heard anything :frown: sooo anxious and irritated by this wait :banghead: