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Reply 20
the heartbeat will be so fast and loud that people might think you have a hi-fi system built in your body, and eventually it will explode like a firework...doesn't that sounds interesting?

I can actually feel it thumping my chest without putting my hand there.
Reply 21
We can only hope that your loud heart means your going to die :rolleyes:
Reply 22
Natalie Lane
better than the opposite I'd say

hmm, perhaps this seems like the obvious response - but lectures & tutes have suggested there can be pathology associated with abnormally strong beating (increased contractility/ionotropic state) too.

as ever..go & see your GP if you're worried! :p:
Reply 23
We can only hope that your loud heart means your going to die :rolleyes:

Thank you for that wonderful insensative comment, it's just like you to kick me when I am down.
Reply 24
On a related note, I have an artery that must run very close to my left ear. It is annoying because if I lie down on my left side at night I can hear my pulse that stops me going to sleep so I can only sleep on my right side!! lol
Reply 25
I'm surprised no one has said what the threadstarter (I think) wanted to hear, i.e. oh wiwarin, it's the immense amount of love you have for your gf exploding in your chest! Ahhhhh *sigh* lol.

Reply 26
I'm surprised no one has said what the threadstarter (I think) wanted to hear, i.e. oh wiwarin, it's the immense amount of love you have for your gf exploding in your chest! Ahhhhh *sigh* lol.


I was not actually wanting to hear that, it did not even enter my mind until you had said it.
Reply 27
I was not actually wanting to hear that, it did not even enter my mind until you had said it.

Awww. :frown:
Reply 28
Awww. :frown:

it is not my heart beat that intensifies when I am with Micala.
Reply 29
Is that a word? :confused:

Erm... yes :eek:. In fact, it's like the word.
Erm... yes :eek:. In fact, it's like the word.

The word on the street? Or more the word that was made flesh? Or just "Word". Hmm, these are interesting questions.
Imagine if you really did have a hi-fi in ur chest... :rolleyes:

Or one of these little dudes rockin out in ur heart :thrasher:
Reply 32
it is not my heart beat that intensifies when I am with Micala.

What is it then? And I thought you had split up.
Reply 33
What is it then? And I thought you had split up.

I have, but that doesn't stop my passions intensifying when I am around her. I still love her like no other.
wiwarin_mir - a loud heartbeat - abolutely nothing to worry about at all. Trust me. Your heartbeat is simply loud because of whatever position you are in, or something is making it beat stronger (some attention perhaps) I remember several times when the same as happened to me. Its absolutely nothing. The reason you can feel it pumpin is that it is filling mroe than normal. I'm assuming these episodes are short lived. THey mean nothing, and are not indicative of high blood pressue!

Elles - your path is prob not referring to a fit young bloke. It would be very rare, and possibly only cos of PFO (hole in heart) but that probably wouldn't present as benign as this.

NikNak - one of the main arteries in your brain runs through your middle ear. You can often 'hear' your pulse because of this artery when you have been running, or are aobut to go to sleep. When i was a kid, i always imagined the noise was the sound of the giants from BFG coming to get me, and that if i wasn't aslepp by the time they got here, i would get eaten. Scary thought ey?