The Student Room Group

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Reply 20
serious narb
or maybe im just winding you up? :wink:

Lol :reddy:

Ahh well in the end if you don't appreciate people, it's your loss, not mine. Suit yourself.
Why didn't he speak to you??

i spoke about my ex cos he kept going on about all his women and i only have 1 ex. but i started crying. he didnt speak to me for two weeks.however that day i cried was also the day i finished doing all his coursework for him, and he claims he wasnt speaking to me cos he feels ashamed that i did his work for him
Reply 22
i spoke about my ex cos he kept going on about all his women and i only have 1 ex. but i started crying. he didnt speak to me for two weeks.however that day i cried was also the day i finished doing all his coursework for him, and he claims he wasnt speaking to me cos he feels ashamed that i did his work for him

Sounds like a bit of a pr**k. I think i'm gonna give men a break for a while and stop letting them mess my head up!! :redface: