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no...well not physically
Reply 2
Loads of times
Reply 3
nope, never have never will
Reply 4
is the human being a cheater by nature? or by free will
Reply 5
free will
Reply 6
Reply 7
is the human being a cheater by nature? or by free will

Men can use the excuse it is nature because they subconsciously want to have a bigger chance of carrying on their genes and so by sleeping with lots of people there have more chance of their gene suceeding.
nature...we are created to pro-create, however we also have free will over our nature. Some people go for nature..some against it. For me I can control my body (sometimes) but not my mind
Reply 9
had you ever cheated your girlfriend / boyfriend ?,
got busted?

I have never cheated on a girlfriend ever, I would never forgive myself if I did.
no, but it is in everyones nature to do so.
I never cheat. It's a bad thing to do, and you will regret it.
Reply 12
I used to cheat all the time but now I realise just how wrong it is. I sometimes feel like doing a Joey and calling all the guys I was really awful to.
Reply 13
I kissed a couple of guys behind one guys back (first few weeks at uni I went a bit crazy), and slept with an ex whilst I was with my last boyfriend, not something I'm proud of and I'd like to think I wouldn't do it again. He never found out, in fact only internet people and one very close friend (with absolutely no connection to the guy know about it)
Reply 14
Never have, never will, couldn't ever imagine wanting to be with anyone else more than him.
I have never cheated on a girlfriend ever, I would never forgive myself if I did.

:wink: *hug*
I've never done it and I wouldn't. I was going through the stages with a girl recently you know how your like with a girl but not going out with her your just dating and stuff and even then I wasn't interested in any other girls. For all it was worth though, she was very popular on valentines day and seemed to enjoy all the attention
Reply 17
Its very easy to say you would never cheat, but how can you be sure? I always said I wouldn't but it still happened, situations change and people chage, you can never say never!!
ditzy blonde
Its very easy to say you would never cheat, but how can you be sure? I always said I wouldn't but it still happened, situations change and people chage, you can never say never!!

I just know I wouldn't, I get that attached to a girl and wrapped up in her when I like her, I wouldn't even know other girls existed; once I get with someone my interest in other girls just disappears even when all my mates are pointing out girls to me and stuff in college.
I have a lot in the past :frown: It's very bad. I wouldn't even think about it now. When I was a bit younger I just didn't really think about how crap it was of me. I'm only talking about kissing though, nothing more! The first time I admitted it to my boyfriend and he was OK with it because at least I was honest, and the other few times I broke up with them before I needed to tell :redface:

Anyway, it's not something to be proud of :frown: Don't do it.