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Does a peck on the lips count as a first kiss?

or does it have to be a full "make-out"? :confused:

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Reply 1
It counts.
I don't think it counts tbh. I pecked my best friend's boyfriend on the lips on new year, but that doesn't mean we 'kissed' in that sense. In a relationship, it doesn't count as far as my opinion goes.
In my opinion, it doesn't count.
depends on the context really... but I'd say no.
Reply 5
I'd say no. Just think about when you're about to go for the 'make-out' - won't you be feeling particularly nervous/excited/scared/happy then because that will in reality be your first proper kiss?
Reply 6
Depends on what you define as a first kiss

Technically it is, I suppose.

I'd say it's not a real kiss though.
Reply 7
Doesn't count.
no, otherwise i had mine when i was like 3
Reply 9
it counts if the guy gets a semi
It depends on what it meant to you.

Even after that, you could still have a first meaningful kiss, which again could just be a simple peck.
I think it counts :smile:
Lé Nash
it counts if the guy gets a semi

Haha. Rules of life.
Reply 13
I don't think it counts. I kissed a boy when I was really young, and I would not count THAT as my first kiss.
Really depends on the context and the feelings between the two people.
Reply 15
i wouldn't say it counted
Reply 16
Doesn't count.
Reply 17
I wouldn't count it, personally. I don't think there's really any set rules on first kisses though, it's all down to personal opinion.
If it did, then my first kiss would have been yeaaars ago. As it stands, I don't count it. I'll stick to being 15 for a first kiss.
Reply 19
not at all.. that whats elementary school students does.

Now tongue kissing definitely.

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