However bad you are, I am worse, notice my choice of crushes have been mostly male.
Lol I didn't actually recognise them as male names... namely cus I don't speak Japanese and have never watched those anime you named!
But LOL yeh I suppose that *is* pretty bad although for a phase of about a week I quite liked a Walt Disney character... at age 16
Heh I used to fancy loads of guys - one at a time though - for a phase of anything between a week and a month quite often, none of whom I actually wanted to go out with - just found a little cute
I suppose the strangest real love I had would be my first and only relationship so far - cus I more than merely fancied him before I even knew what he looked like! - I'd never met him before!!!!! Now *that* was strange - and annoying for me cus I didn't see why I can like someone so much without ever meeting them lol!