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Reply 1
Although I do not specifically have OCD, my autism does mean that I can get very obcessive which sometimes causes me to be very compulsive.
I'm not exactly sure what one is but I'm obsessed with cleaning
Reply 3
Have one what? OCD is a disorder - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, its not just 1 thing :rolleyes:
Reply 4
Have one what? OCD is a disorder - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, its not just 1 thing :rolleyes:

ohhhhhhh lol sorry
Reply 5
I used to live with a guy with OCD. Very freaky. He had 8 showers a day and wore gloves on his hands and would hardly ever go out of the house.
At the moment its washing my hands, I tend to get one obsession at at time now and it rules my life until I see something on TV/hear something that scares me. The Sudan1 thing started the hand thing... Sounds stupid and silly but I blow stuff like that outta proportion and, well, get kinda obsessed...

Before the hand washing it was lights, turning them off all the time, cozza summat I saw about places that use up 2 much electricity could blow up...

I used to be alot worse with it, like i used to do stuff like scratch my wrist CONSTANTLY... used to have burns and cuts there all the time, I didnt do it to harm myself, to me, it was just a way of keeping ma hand moving...

Sorry if i freaked you out
i have a thing about washing my hands. I don't like people drinking out of the sae bottle as me, if they do i just let them have it.
I also have a thing about switches. If the red bit is showing it really irritates me becaus ei think it makes the room look untidy:redface:
Reply 8
i cant drink anything if i think its been tampered with i get really tetch and sometimes vilent if i dont have something to play with in my hands like blue tack or a little ball or something and i have to wash my hair everyday or i think that people will think i smell really bad and im convinced people hate me but thats echos of depression....i cant believe iv told you all this binging i guess...but the SSRI is helping me
Reply 10
I cant stand seeds in pepers and melons an have to pull them out straight away! Bit weird.
I used to also scratch my skin till it was raw on my arms when I was in my teens.
when I was little I use to close all the doors in the room if they were open and rearrange things that looked out of place like shoes on the floor and stuff, I also use to play with a large metal pole that progressed or degressed to a hairbrush :rolleyes: I did some weird things now I just have an obsession with cleaning and binning stuff
Reply 12
obsession with cleaning and binning stuff

Please come to my house for tea! If you wish to clean i wouldnt mind :wink:
lol I clean more than my mum these days, its pathetic, I noticed your going Liverpool John Moores, get some accomodation with me and your cleaning worries will be over forever (joking)
Reply 14
lol I clean more than my mum these days, its pathetic, I noticed your going Liverpool John Moores, get some accomodation with me and your cleaning worries will be over forever (joking)

You can come to my house in the wirral whenever you want!
I'll be round as soon as me maid costume i delivered
Reply 16
I'll be round as soon as me maid costume i delivered

French or english maid?! :biggrin:
english I got an E in french at school
Cleaning - GOD the memories.. there have been times when I've had full on shouting matches at three in the mornin coz Ive woke ma parents up by hovering.. Im not as bad now but I used to lie awake at night thinking "Theres some clothes on the floor, gotta pick em up" or "did I leave that plate on the side and not wash it??".. like I said, blow things right outta proportion...

Bottle thing - I tend to just save sum in bottom then I don't have to share.. makes life easier than sayin u dnt wna share a bottle with sumone coz they think that u think they have a disease or sumthing...

Biting Fingernails??
Anyone got to the point where they've bitten their nails down so much u cant nemore?? And neone bite the skin round the nails rather than the nails themselves...??

I have since Ive been about 11 and my nails/skin/fingers are a mess cozza it, its dead good to know others out there are and do get as obsessive as you sometimes...
Reply 19
Biting Fingernails??
Anyone got to the point where they've bitten their nails down so much u cant nemore?? And neone bite the skin round the nails rather than the nails themselves...??

all the damn time :frown: