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Most competitive degree in the UK?

I was wondering what people think is the most competitive degree in the UK?

Economics and Management at Oxford is the most oversubscribed (of all the main degrees) at what is commonly the No. 1 Uni in the UK (according to league tables, but don't get in a discussion about them :p:), so I think that would be in the top few.

I also think medicine somewhere, probably either Oxbridge or a top London Uni (UCL).

What would be your top 1, 5 or 10 most competitive degrees (as in to get a place on)?

Edit: What I mean is not just medicine (for example), but medicine at x Uni (specific degree at a specific Uni). That might be a bad example because medicine is roughly the same at all Unis (as I've been told, but surely it's more competitive at UCL etc?), but you get what I mean.

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i would say it would be something like medicine, dentistry or something like economics or maybe law.
Reply 2
International Relations at St Andrews is apparently highly competitive. I've also heard that Medicine at St Georges has around 15 applicants per place.
Reply 3
International relations in LSE has a staggering intake of 3.4%. Even though the applications per place ratios tell far from the whole truth, I found that figure quite extraordinary!
Reply 4
Medicine and Dentistry anywhere
Reply 5
Medicine definately, and then economics, law, history, english.
Overall across all universities it's probably medicine.
Medicine, Law, Economics are the most competitive imo, but i'm sure i've forgotten a subject here
I think Medicine, Law and Dentistry. With those three degrees the applications per place are huge!
I don't get why dentistry seems to be so popular...hmmm (profession with the most suicides - fact.)

Erm Yeah Medicine, Law and Econs probably
Reply 10
I don't get why dentistry seems to be so popular...hmmm (profession with the most suicides - fact.)

Erm Yeah Medicine, Law and Econs probably

Individual preferences
Vet Med!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: and it's vets with the highest suicide rate:
The Veterinary Record in October 2005 of research by Richard Mellanby that indicated that the suicide rate for the veterinary profession was four times higher than that of the general population and twice that of doctors and dentists.

Reply 12
I'd be inclined to say maths at Cambridge is certainly very tough to get into, if not the most competitive in terms of applications per place...
Depending on how you're defining most competitive, I think that's already been answered:p:
Dentistry? I don't know anyone that's applying for dentistry - yet I know loads that are applying for medicine and law.
Dentistry and medicine definatley
Medicine, Vet Med, Dentistry.
Reply 16
I was wondering what people think is the most competitive degree in the UK?

Economics and Management at Oxford is the most oversubscribed (of all the main degrees) at what is commonly the No. 1 Uni in the UK (according to league tables, but don't get in a discussion about them :p:), so I think that would be in the top few.

I also think medicine somewhere, probably either Oxbridge or a top London Uni (UCL).

What would be your top 1, 5 or 10 most competitive degrees (as in to get a place on)?

the principal at my school kept telling us that IR at st andrews had overtaken PPE at oxford to become the most over-subscribed course in the UK
Reply 17
Henry JW
International Relations at St Andrews is apparently highly competitive. I've also heard that Medicine at St Georges has around 15 applicants per place.

Application per place =/= competitiveness. :p:

Although it's a lot harder to factor in quality of competition...
Reply 18
has to be medicine
music - cos there are only ever 30 places on a course.

also, medicine and law