The Student Room Group

Ucas reference in progress?

Your application has been checked by your referee/coordinator.
19-11-2008 (16:01) Your reference is in progress.

its been like that for a long time now.... what should i do about it my college is big and the application goes through 3 different teachers and its hard tracking them down and finding them when all you know is there name so any advice on what to do i dont even know what that is supposed to mean??

And btw having done this a long time ago i thought it would of been sent early but still not being sent will this reduce my chances of getting accepted by unis ? or is there an equal chance.

Reply 1

And btw having done this a long time ago i thought it would of been sent early but still not being sent will this reduce my chances of getting accepted by unis ? or is there an equal chance.


In theory you should have an equal chance providing it is sent before the deadline.
Reply 2
Wow 19th November, that is a long time ago now, you should definitely track down the appropriate teachers, even if it takes you all lunch.

If friends of yours have sent it off after and their references have been completed, then you should be worried. If no one elses has been sent off yet, then your teachers could be just waiting to send them all off at once.

And no it should not reduce your chances of getting accepted by universities, just make sure you track down your teachers before the 15th Jan.
Reply 3
ok i get that one anyone know what the first question means and what i can do about it?
Reply 4
Basically, you have sent your app to your referee and they have checked it over and are now in the process of entering your reference. When they have finished that then they will send it off to UCAS and it will be sent to your universities. Though you are not at a disadvantage yet, the fact that you have been waiting a while means it might be a good idea to go and prod someone to make sure things are moving.
Reply 5
yh iv been going to see teachers regularly they make some stupid excuse up. All my friends have been sent off im going to complain tomorrow or the day after since i am staying home to do some revision for my exams on the 8th

really i think that is a complete piss take since how long ago iv sent it and completed the application myself.... anyway thanks for the advice.
Have you paid? Mine said that until I paid.
Reply 7
yh iv paid you cant send it till youv paid lol
Reply 8
one thing im not sure i did was you know when you register they send you a confirmation email and in that they send you an activation code well i didnt do that.
yh iv paid you cant send it till youv paid lol

Fair enough, just making sure, one thing our college needed was predicted grades, we got our teachers sign it along with predicted grades in specific subjects, nobodies was sent off until that was done.
Reply 10
my form tutor has done my refrence my subject tutors have done my references and i was predicted ABB
Reply 11
I paid and sent mine to my tutor three weeks ago. I logged in and it still says 'Your reference has not been started yet' (although all my references, predicted grades etc were done months ago). I'm beginning to get a little worried now, they better hurry up!
Reply 12
yh i had that for weeks.... as well that date i posted 19-11-2008 i had to wait for my tutors reference for a long time before that aswell... only way i got him to do it was go to him and make him do it in front of me otherwise they wont do it unless you personally make them because they have so many to do.. i would do that with the other teacher but shes just a bitch.
Reply 13
I have forgotten to tick the box that says "I confirm that I have contacted my referee before submitting them as a reference" and now have already clicked the send reference request to my referee. So now I can't edit that section anymore to tick the box and now the reference section just says in progress. Will this cause an issue when I got to submit my Ucas application?
(edited 7 years ago)
Reply 14
Original post by T.grey
I have forgotten to tick the box that says "I confirm that I have contacted my referee before submitting them as a reference" and now have already clicked the send reference request to my referee. So now I can't edit that section anymore to tick the box and now the reference section just says in progress. Will this cause an issue when I got to submit my Ucas application?

This is an 8 year old thread. Perhaps make a new thread if you want a better chance of getting an answer
untick that box it is just for people who do not need a reference.

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