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not sure if this should be in the entertainment section or this but anyone read them? I do and I don't know why, its a load of *******s mostly, I mainly read them when I have a girl on my mind as a sort of guide or hint or something stupid like that :biggrin: Mystic Megs stars on the sun website can be quite hilarious at times 'steve the old bike you found in the skip is worth millions, luck alert today for stuntmen, soldiers and shark divers'
I used to obsessively read them... like I used to be really bad... I went threw a stage where I MADE my life follow them, coz if i didn't... well, I had stupid reasons so it don't matter..
Reply 2
Nope, I don't. The only exception being when a friend is doing it and wants to know what mine is.. It's something I'd read to laugh at when flicking through a magazine, but not something I'd ever take seriously!
I don't really use them as a guide, just read them for entertainment purposes really
i'm a sucker for reading horoscopes:redface: i can't help it. I guess if they're in the magazine that i'm reading then i might as well read it. I soon forget what it said was 'in store' for me anyway that week lol.

Does anyone believe in star signs? That what it says your characteristics are, is actually true?
I'm a Gemini and two of the main things it says about me is my dual personality and communication, which is very true- but i guess you could find that in everyone.
Reply 5
These daily horoscopes are laughable and pointless, for the fact that you cannot make a general horoscope. A horoscope is highly personal and requires many things to be known about you.
Reply 6
sometimes for amusment...i dont really see how they offer anything useful
Reply 9
I believe them. June Penn is good and pretty accurate. She writes for the Sunday People (yeh, I know, I know - my nan gets it ok? :p: :redface: )
I usually read Mystic Megs stars on the sun website, the ones in the Daily Mirror newspaper and the ones on AOL, mystic megs are the most entertaining, russel grants are the most realistic if you could say that and the Daily Mirror ones are just something to read as your going through the paper
I believe them. June Penn is good and pretty accurate. She writes for the Sunday People (yeh, I know, I know - my nan gets it ok? :p: :redface: )

So tell me, how are you supposed to forecast the fate of millions of people in one sweeping statement?
Reply 12
So tell me, how are you supposed to forecast the fate of millions of people in one sweeping statement?

*shrugs* Dont ask me. I think they make them as general and vague as possible. I still believe them though :p:
*shrugs* Dont ask me. I think they make them as general and vague as possible. I still believe them though :p:

But to make a horoscope you need to have very detailed personal information on people, not just their birthdays.
Reply 14
I read them sometimes coz they can be fun :smile: apart from when it's something bad :eek:
Reply 15
In my last 2 years at school and first year sixth form, I was obsessed with horoscopes. I wouldn't leave the house on a morning until I had read my sign on the teletext. Would buy magazines just for horoscopes and had horoscope books. I was terrible. Hardly ever read them now, will look at them if I'm reading a magazine but wouldn't purposely go and read them.
Ok ok, the ONLY scenario in which I can see it having any value at all:

Boy: Hey how you doin'?
Girl: *giggles* good thanks. What star sign are you?
Boy: Libra
Girl: (thinking) Hmm, the 5th moon is in the 2nd house and I am a Capricorn so my husband-to-be will be a Libra.
Boy: What're you thinking?
Girl: Not much, not much.
Boy: Can I buy you a drink?
Girl: Yes *hears wedding bells*

The End (of the beginning)

So yeah, other than perhaps influencing people to act strangely I don't see how they can mean anything. :smile:
Reply 17
naw, their never correct. actually you can read a horoscope from anytime of the year and some bit of the horoscope will apply to you ... its just too general i think
Reply 18
not sure if this should be in the entertainment section or this but anyone read them? I do and I don't know why, its a load of *******s mostly, I mainly read them when I have a girl on my mind as a sort of guide or hint or something stupid like that :biggrin: Mystic Megs stars on the sun website can be quite hilarious at times 'steve the old bike you found in the skip is worth millions, luck alert today for stuntmen, soldiers and shark divers'

I find that the comments in horoscopes are deliberately made to be so general that they could not possibly be wrong. I think once I read somewhere that "I will do something creative today" under my star sign. i've never read a single one since.