I am going to accept the offer of BBB from Newcastle for Law as my firm choice. So what is the Law School at Newcastle’s reputation? Is good or bad or mediocre?
I went to Newcastle (not law) and have a TC with a US law firm. The university is Top-20 but the law department is ranked rather low - 45 or something. Fear not, however, as I have friends who graduated with the LLB and received offers from Norton Rose, Ashursts etc. In fact, just take a look at which firms recruit there. The whole of the Magic Circle (including Slaughters who came for the first time last year) and a bunch of American firms recruit at Newcastle i.e. the creme de la creme.
I don't know how the law departments are ranked by The Times et al. But I'd advise anyone to just take a look at which firms recruit at the university they're considering. If the list is as distinguished as the Top-10, MC and US firms, then you certainly won't be handicapped.
P.S. If you're looking to get a top City TC though, I'd get the very best A-Level grades you can. Many firms stipulate an AAB minimum these days.
On an unrelated note, Vitriol, what did you have on your CV, aside from academics, that bagged you that training contract (or at least got you that interview)?
On an unrelated note, Vitriol, what did you have on your CV, aside from academics, that bagged you that training contract (or at least got you that interview)?
One thing always came up at every interview I attended: my work on an investment club during VI Form. I managed a modest (£2500) trust and decided which shares were worth investing in, along with advertising the Trust, dealing with clients etc. That never failed to impress interviewers. I also did a lot of public speaking and elocution.
I imagine by the time those applying to university now are applying for training contracts, the stipulation will be AAA.
Since a lot of universities are now asking for AAA or have raised their grades since, along with applicants for LLB Law increasing, I'd say yes if not more now.
How did you get a BBB offer, if you don't mind me asking? I thought Newcastle's standard offer was AAA these days? Is it like Durham in that if you live locally, they'll lower your reqs?
One thing always came up at every interview I attended: my work on an investment club during VI Form. I managed a modest (£2500) trust and decided which shares were worth investing in, along with advertising the Trust, dealing with clients etc. That never failed to impress interviewers. I also did a lot of public speaking and elocution.
My experience so far is that they're pretty much only interested in extra-curricular stuff as most applicants have the standard A levels and 2:1. Things like volunteer work, travelling, committee roles, sport and especially public speaking seem to go down well. Unfortunately my CV's lacking something that demonstrates that commercial touch at the moment, as are most others I imagine. I can see how having that on there would be a big advantage!
My experience so far is that they're pretty much only interested in extra-curricular stuff as most applicants have the standard A levels and 2:1. Things like volunteer work, travelling, committee roles, sport and especially public speaking seem to go down well. Unfortunately my CV's lacking something that demonstrates that commercial touch at the moment, as are most others I imagine. I can see how having that on there would be a big advantage!
I, like you, assumed that no-one would even care what I did in VI Form and figured only my (admittedly sparse) uni activity would be considered. I was wrong.
How did you get a BBB offer, if you don't mind me asking? I thought Newcastle's standard offer was AAA these days? Is it like Durham in that if you live locally, they'll lower your reqs?
Yeah its like Durham in it is only available to local students, but at Newcastle you have to go to and pass an extremely hard summer school, and I’ve heard that the lecturers are really harsh on it!
I went to Sunderland High VI Form, got AAA and went to Newcastle, graduating in 2003. I have a training contract with a large American law firm (haven't started it yet though).