The Student Room Group

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Reply 40
how old are you? u look 15!
how old are you? u look 15!

I'd say more like 12/13, heh :biggrin:
Mad Caddie
Your hair is the last thing you should be worrying about.

It's the smile, man. It says it all, hehe :biggrin: "Heyyyy, how YOU doin!"
Mad Caddie
I can't for the life of me even imagine what he was thinking, posting a picture of his weedy torso, topped off with a gay smile and an acne infested face; and then going on to complain about his hair, which in case I didn't say, is SH*T!

So you quite fancy him then yeah?
Mad Caddie
I can't for the life of me even imagine what he was thinking, posting a picture of his weedy torso, topped off with a gay smile and an acne infested face; and then going on to complain about his hair, which in case I didn't say, is SH*T!

I still think it's a wind up, he can't be for real :wink::eek: (see post #2)
Reply 45
right, i no some peeps on ere are good with hair, so i want ur opinion! i normaly av dark hair but decided to die it blond last nite, an im now not sure whether i like it or not|!!! does it look good or poo???


I thik the operative word is:

*realises about this thread*

Reply 47
i'm 17.

ok so every1 thinks my hair is poo.

fair enough.