The Student Room Group

Bingeing at uni

Has anyone else found that they're eating so much more at uni than at home? The weird thing is that I'm losing weight at the same time - maybe it's stress-related? :confused: I thought it was time I asked since I realised most of my money actually goes on snacks, and I've come to the conclusion that junk food is more satisfying than alcohol...oh dear.

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Reply 1
i seem to have gotten into a strange routine of drinking more (not just fizzy drinks) but yeah, junk food does have its appeals. as long as you can still afford Clearasil and take regular showers then you shouldn't offend too many ppl :smile:
Reply 2
i seem to have gotten into a strange routine of drinking more (not just fizzy drinks) but yeah, junk food does have its appeals. as long as you can still afford Clearasil and take regular showers then you shouldn't offend too many ppl :smile:

The more I eat the thinner I get and the more clear my skin is. I give up trying to understand myself.
Reply 3
yes, an abnormal physiology is the way forward :smile: although on balance, i think i would be happier dying 20 years younger and eating 2 fry ups a week than living 20 years longer and being a vegetarian. not to take anything away from them, of course....
Reply 4
I don't snack as much at uni but have more takeaways which is not a good thing..and more alcohol..again not good.
Who ate all the pies....

Reply 6
Who ate all the pies....


Sog off you, I don't even have a tummy at the moment. Unless I'm wearing the marky jeans. Haha. *pokes it*
Yes! The worst thing is that I live with big greedy men, so I find myself allowing me to be being greedy too and still not being the greediest in the house, so I fool myself into thinking it's fine... But I'm being good and dieting now. Sensibly, of course, and I've lost half a stone (yay). I find it impossible to be be a sensible eater; either I'm dieting, in which case I eat really healthily, loads of veg and fruit and nothing fatty at all, or I'm this mad greedy monster. I doubt it's healthy...
Reply 8
Are you doing more at uni though? If you have to walk further to get to lectures, or are having very strenuous sex then maybe the extra calories are being burnt off.
Reply 9
omg tis_me_lord is back!!
but anyway yes i have just returned from a massive trip to tesco and i bought 3 packs of mr kiplings hehehe..... mmmmmmmm....and lots of fruit of course! but yeh.. i tend to just walk around and chuck everything i like the look of into the trolley. havent put on weight but i have increased in size... (less exercise than i used to so muscle mass is dropping but gaining fat argh!) am sitting with a reduced pot of potato salad now lol.
Are you doing more at uni though? If you have to walk further to get to lectures, or are having very strenuous sex then maybe the extra calories are being burnt off.

At home I used to walk at least five miles a day (to college/work and back). I do almost no exercise here, because my lectures aren't ever more than five minutes walk away, and I think my muscles have disintegrated. Wahh, it's awful. And I'm not having any sex, strenuous or otherwise :frown:
Reply 11
covered farm wa
And I'm not having any sex, strenuous or otherwise :frown:

Yes, but I'm sure Pikaboo is
Reply 12
Yes, but I'm sure Pikaboo is

Durham is all hills though - who needs a gym exercise just to get to every lecture :rolleyes:
Reply 13
Durham is all hills though - who needs a gym exercise just to get to every lecture :rolleyes:

See, you're probably burning it off! You only need to worry if you're not. My boobs have grown loads since I've been at uni though, which is slightly weird
i'm controlling my binging with medication. *bleh* but i know once i go to uni i won't be depressed and won't binge cos i'll be away from all family problems.
Reply 15
See, you're probably burning it off! You only need to worry if you're not. My boobs have grown loads since I've been at uni though, which is slightly weird

Heh, that happened to my housemate. As a xmas present I think I gave him a 32B bra. He appeared grateful.
my sisters fat now cos of uni
Has anyone else found that they're eating so much more at uni than at home? The weird thing is that I'm losing weight at the same time - maybe it's stress-related? :confused: I thought it was time I asked since I realised most of my money actually goes on snacks, and I've come to the conclusion that junk food is more satisfying than alcohol...oh dear.

I switch between bingeing and starving.... I know, not good... but, have been eating normal-ish this week.
i hope i don't get that problem!! :eek: i think i binge way to much!! Although at the moment i do loads of sport and exercise, so like pikaboo i'm loosing weight as i'm doing more than i normally do! Once i get to uni that might stop, and the results won't be good :p:
Reply 19
Has anyone else found that they're eating so much more at uni than at home? The weird thing is that I'm losing weight at the same time - maybe it's stress-related? :confused: I thought it was time I asked since I realised most of my money actually goes on snacks, and I've come to the conclusion that junk food is more satisfying than alcohol...oh dear.

I exercise loads at uni compared to home but still get fat...must be eating loads