The Student Room Group

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A really thoughtful present.....I had an ex that got me my favourite book in the first edition, and tho that might sound geeky to meant a lot to me that he'd tracked it down.
My ideal date would be a nice attractive girl who's willing to put out. :smile:
Reply 3
whats the budget?
Reply 4
A really thoughtful present.....I had an ex that got me my favourite book in the first edition, and tho that might sound geeky to meant a lot to me that he'd tracked it down.
thats quite romantic :smile:
Rich P, it's one in the morning, it's a internet forum, it's normal to talk about rubbish. Leave us alone.
So what's our budget Tosh? Tell us! Tell us!
Reply 7
yes, tell us the budget :smile:

Ignore the creten
Rich P
What the **** inspired you to put an apostrophe and an 's' after What?! Christ, you're a moron. Also, who gives a **** about this thread?! If you're looking for dating advice go and read your sister's girly magazines. When you've actually had a girlfriend and have something to say please come back.

Is this a 'Forum Troll' ? :biggrin:

I was reading a mods post about them earlier, wandering what the hell they were. I guess this is one.

I found me a troll! *Pokes him with a stick*... :wink:
Reply 9
Is this a 'Forum Troll' ? :biggrin:

I was reading a mods post about them earlier, wandering what the hell they were. I guess this is one.

I found me a troll! *Pokes him with a stick*... :wink:

that would be one :smile:

Maybe we can catch him for further study about its sporadic and senseless behaviour.
*Attaches bells to the troll, removes makavelli's stick and replaces it with cattle prod, watches the tragic little dance of pain and the jingle jangle of the bells of revenge*
Stop! It's my troll. I spotted him first. Get away!

I can't believe the lengths i'm going to in these last 2 posts. I've hit a new spamming low... :wink:
Troll baIting. Quite possibly the best date ever.
Reply 13
So what's our budget Tosh? Tell us! Tell us!

Blimey quick responses. I like the idea of the present. Umm for the night duno probably something like £60 don't wana go to heavy, student loan vanished a long time ago. heh.
Rich P
I'm not a troll just a concerned adult. Do you children have no real friends?

respect your elders bitch. You're a college student :p:
Oky doky, so that pretty much cancels out the full blown meal type scenario. How about something in the day? Like ice skating so she can fall on you lots, or picnic. On the other hand this could be too romantic and your looking to be cool rather than soppy? And the budget means you can't do paintballing which is violent and again lets you look macho.......go karting? That would be awesome fun.
Blimey quick responses. I like the idea of the present. Umm for the night duno probably something like £60 don't wana go to heavy, student loan vanished a long time ago. heh.

I don't think I've been on a proper date before. Maybe I am wooed too easily :rolleyes:

I always think being near the river or the sea is romantic. Like a river cruise or a restaurant on the waterfront.
Rich P
So Tosh, when was the last time you went on a real date? Can I be your internet girlfriend?

You can be my internet bitch, Biatch. ROFROTMFOTLMAOMTAO

Yes, we have friends. I find it funny that you come on here and make jokes about us not having real friends yet you are the one mocking people on the internet. Think about it, troll...
Reply 18
Rich P
So Tosh, when was the last time you went on a real date? Can I be your internet girlfriend?

Erm well Rich P. I don't do dates used to think they were kinda lame. Thought i'd give it a blast with this lass though. So I guess your gay? Fraid I don't date Faggots online. I'm sure you can give that tv ad a call. Hmm what's that number... 09068 40 40 40 or something.
Reply 19
Rich P
Ummm, I think you'll find Keble College is part of Oxford University. And noone who has made as many posts as you have calls me a bitch, you complete internet loser.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Methinks he meant 'college' in the vernacular sense...