Then go for something like go karting or ice skating.....that way you can't run out of conversation and one of you is destined to make a tit out of yourself and that will defoes be hilarious and memorable. Doing something like that is, in my feeble opinion, the best way to show your true personality........which is ultimately what you will be trying to do.
Sounds like a plan, I'll practise the falling over so I don't look to pro on the ice, heh.
We have cute coffee shops and little italian bistros as well, there a lush little one tucked round the corner from the ice rink actually. Or NEW WORLD, if shes into chinese food and would be quite funny! It's right next to the icerink. If your into the same sort of music you could take her to a gig somewhere? That would be really cool (well I'd like it so it's probs not!)