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Reply 40
Then go for something like go karting or ice skating.....that way you can't run out of conversation and one of you is destined to make a tit out of yourself and that will defoes be hilarious and memorable. Doing something like that is, in my feeble opinion, the best way to show your true personality........which is ultimately what you will be trying to do.

Sounds like a plan, I'll practise the falling over so I don't look to pro on the ice, heh.
Reply 41
you could always go to the train station and just jump on a train to anywhere and see where it takes you :smile:

heh that would be funny. Don't have a ticket, so just get kicked off where ever n make the day there. heh :biggrin:
Reply 42
That's cool. Take a day trip and don't tell her where she's going, where in the country do you live?

We are in Bournemouth, Dorset (South of Britain)
That's cool. Take a day trip and don't tell her where she's going, where in the country do you live?
I've always wanted to do it. :smile: Don't know why I don't actually. Last time I did something like that I ended up in Bristol.....Im still here :smile:
Reply 44
Sprry my las post was meant to be before

Your intentions seem sweet, im sure she'll have a good time whatever!

:redface: gees thanx! :smile:
And what a place to be!! Bring her upto Bristol!!
Reply 46
I've always wanted to do it. :smile: Don't know why I don't actually. Last time I did something like that I ended up in Bristol.....Im still here :smile:

heh, Bristol... Not a bad place. I pop there loads to do the clothes shopping. How is it for a Uni town?
I dunno, Im not at Uni....will be in October tho yay! I guess I live kinda like a student, and I love it here.
heh, Bristol... Not a bad place. I pop there loads to do the clothes shopping. How is it for a Uni town?
Bristol is great, there is loads to do here. I love the comedy clubs.
Reply 49
I dunno, Im not at Uni....will be in October tho yay! I guess I live kinda like a student, and I love it here.

Good ice rink too. Might look into it, don't want to be on a train for to long mind.
We have cute coffee shops and little italian bistros as well, there a lush little one tucked round the corner from the ice rink actually. Or NEW WORLD, if shes into chinese food and would be quite funny! It's right next to the icerink. If your into the same sort of music you could take her to a gig somewhere? That would be really cool (well I'd like it so it's probs not!)
Reply 51
I like the idea of ice skating and a resuarant by the sea so might try and merge the two, just need to locate a rink close to home.

Thanx for the help guys.

Anyone else feel free to pop ideas down always open to new suggestions.

Now to look for a thoughtful present!