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Reply 1
ok, this is a unique place for you to write why your college's the best and why *all* applicants should choose it...

Note: pls don't exaggerate and write the truth :smile:

I'll let Hoofbeat do Lincoln as she's much more keen and better at it :wink:
Reply 2
It's the oldest college
We have meals every day and formal hall 6 times a week
We've educated more national leaders than any college except Christ Church
We have JCR tea - the famous 3p cups of tea and 9p sandwiches - every weekday at 4, which makes a great mid-essay break
Second years choose their rooms first, and some first years still get sets (2 rooms), which shows how good the accomedation is
We have a private road through the middle called Logic Lane
Our master opens up his house for twice-termly concerts in his living room, and also happens to be the Lord Butler who wrote the Butler report
We have a 24 hour library that will buy any book we need

and most importantly, we're *right* next to exam schools. Why is that so important? I have 6 lectures a week, most in exam schools, which makes it the place I go most often. I can get out of bed after the time the lectures due to start and still be on time. Some friends of mine have to walk for 20 minutes to get there. On a cold, rainy day, this is the most important thing - location.
Reply 3
Univ's a bit **** really, none of that appealed to me, I give you:


We have the best accomodation of all the Oxford colleges, because we are relatively modern most of the rooms are en-suite and nearly all the others share a bathroom between two but have a sink in their room. We make the most from conferences over vacations because of the superiority of our accomodation and facilities. We have just purchased a huge hospital across the road, currently being converted to give us a further 200 bedrooms meaning we can offer accomodation to all those who want it for the duration fo their course. All the other colleges require you to live out unless you are very lucky with ballots. You can still live out if you want but the friendliness and convenience and low costs of living in halls are great.

Our dining hall is the largest and most impressive in Oxford. Harry Potter asked to film here and only went to Christ Church after we rejected them because we make more money from conferences and didn't want the disruption to our students. It's just undergone a multi-million pound restoration of the roof, making it more impressive than ever!

Keble is located only 5 minutes walk from the centre of town, but is far enough out for us to have spacious quads and large rooms. It is right next to the science area which is where scientists have to be at 9am every morning, rolling out of bed is so much better than the half an hour walk you could face from other colleges!

The distinctive red brick, love it or hate it, makes it different from all the other characterless traditional colleges which are packed along Broad, Turl and High Street.

We are right next to the university parks which are great for jogging, walking, sports pitches, duck feeding, picnics and just lazy sunny afternoons.

We have the most technologically advanced and arguably the best theatre in Oxford within our college grounds.

Our bar is a modern construction with big windows, most colleges have horrible underground cellars. It has just been doubled in size and having a music stage installed.

Keble has the most students so you are guaranteed to find people you will get on with and there are always new people to meet. Small colleges can feel so incestuous! There is a very friendly atmosphere here and a large social scene.

Keble isn't the most academic, students aren't pushed too hard to get firsts and the workload is quite nice compared to some colleges.

Our chapel is the most impressive one I have seen (apart from Christ Church's Cathedral, obviously).

I've only touched the surface, I don't see how any other college can claim to be better!

Edit: we also have meals ever day and a 24 hour library, Univ has nothing better than us!
I'll let Hoofbeat do Lincoln as she's much more keen and better at it :wink:

I'll let her do Lincoln, cos I don't rate it number one :biggrin:
Reply 5
Trinity, Cambridge > sum of all Oxford Colleges :biggrin:
Reply 6
Trinity, Cambridge > sum of all Oxford Colleges :biggrin:

ChristChurch, Oxford > sum of all Cambridge colleges :wink:
Reply 7
ChristChurch, Oxford > sum of all Cambridge colleges :wink:

Nah, pretenders to the crown! :biggrin:
Reply 8
Trinity, Cambridge and ChristChurch, Oxford > all Oxbridge colleges?
Reply 9
Trinity, Cambridge and ChristChurch, Oxford > all Oxbridge colleges?

Trinity people don't share :wink:

*pushes ChCh to one side* :biggrin:
Reply 10
mmh, what about Cambridge > Oxford? :biggrin:
Reply 11
mmh, what about Cambridge > Oxford? :biggrin:

Cambridge + Shiny > Oxford
Oxford + Shiny > Cambridge

Shiny = arrogant SOB :biggrin:
Cambridge + Shiny > Oxford
Oxford + Shiny > Cambridge

Shiny = arrogant SOB :biggrin:

No I'd say you realised
Cambridge + Shiny < Oxford
so came to the better place :biggrin:
Reply 13
Golden Maverick
No I'd say you realised
Cambridge + Shiny < Oxford
so came to the better place :biggrin:

Oxford needed my shinyness :cool:
Reply 14
Cambridge + Shiny > Oxford
Oxford + Shiny > Cambridge

Shiny = arrogant SOB :biggrin:

Hence Shiny = Trinitarian at heart :biggrin:
Reply 15
Rich P
All the other colleges require you to live out unless you are very lucky with ballots.

That's not true!
Reply 16
F. Poste
That's not true!

Do the Somervillians live in for 2nd year, then?

*Still making choice, can't be bothered with the prospecti*
Reply 17
Anyway, as I am probably the most regularly posting Somervillian here's my propaganda :biggrin:

Reasons Somerville is great:

- It's a good size; big enough so there's plenty of people but not so huge that you feel lost or that there's no sense of community
- Our bar has really cool murals of some of the Seven Deadly Sins
- Huge library, one of the biggest college libraries in Oxford
- We can walk on the grass in the quad
- Our dining hall is upstairs (apparently this is quite rare)
- It's really friendly and I don't know any really horrible people here
- Relaxed attitude to everything, you're not pressured to do anything you don't want
- It's in Jericho, meaning we're in close proximity to loads of cool places like G&Ds, Duke of Cambridge, Raouls, Baby, and lots of other nice little restaurants and pubs
- No tourists
- Most people are up for a laugh, our bops are always fun and everyone gets into the spirit, unlike one bop I went to at another college I won't name where a pretentious DJ played drum 'n' bass, hardly anyone dressed up and most people sat down looking glum
- It's not bubble-like, and most people are involved in outward-looking stuff
- Everyone's really supportive and lovely; I've had problems recently and the amount of help I've been offered is great
- I've never heard stories of horrible tutors
- No horrible "rah" types

I'll stop now before this becomes an essay :p:
Reply 18
2 5 +
Do the Somervillians live in for 2nd year, then?

*Still making choice, can't be bothered with the prospecti*

No, we don't.. well, the majority don't, if all your fees are paid by the government then you may be able to get a room but most live out :smile:
Reply 19
2 5 +
Do the Somervillians live in for 2nd year, then?

*Still making choice, can't be bothered with the prospecti*

I don't know about Somerville but FP is entirely right that there's several colleges where students don't live out at all (except possibly by choice) during their degrees.