The Student Room Group

my interviewer laughed at me!!

:eek: :eek:

as some of u know i had my leicester interview on wednesday.. the day started ok we had a tour round the uni.. then came the 2 hour wait b4 my interview came.. ok it started with the usual why medicine, why leicester?? i again spoke too fast cos i got so nervous (tried deep breaths) but i think they got most of it... then they talked mainly some q's from my personal statement about some things ive done. ok so far... :flute:

then came some harder q's... like he said "do u think 1st world countries (e.g. uk) should pay 3rd world countries for supplying doctors".. for this i talked some utter crap.. dont think they were pleased :frown: . Then i got asked about the route 2 be a consultant and i got very hesistant but got there.

Then the consultant asked me about my veiws on abortion.. so i talked about how u cant kill an innocent life etc. etc. and then after id finished he started laughing! :embarasse :embarasse I must have said something stupid.. i cant remember...

then i got asked about my extra activies, talked about sport, mainly footie and cricket. He asked "who is ur favourite cricketer?", i spoke "Shoaib Akhtar, cos hell batter india"... so this time they both started laughing for about 10 seconds !! :flute: :embarasse :flute: Then i realised they were both of indian origin and shudnt hav said that!

then right at the end they asked "do u have any q's?", i said "is it true leicester is the curry capital of the UK?".. they started laughing and said yes and thx for coming...

ok so i think i havent got much chance tbh of doing medicine this year.. ill probably look for another course thru ucas extra... so thx 4 readin people!

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Reply 1
Some things just arn't meant to be.
Reply 2
It doent sound like they were doing 'omg this person is ****' laughs, it sounds more along the lines of 'this person is funny' laughs, especially for the cricket and curry ones.
Reply 3
u neva know.. u mite just get an offer..good luck ... i have an intrview there 2morow :frown:
Reply 4
it sounds it went ok actually..

I mean if they laugh, it means that they probs enjoyed the interview!! Atleast they didnt stare at you like "WTF??"
But good luck anyway
It doent sound like they were doing 'omg this person is ****' laughs, it sounds more along the lines of 'this person is funny' laughs, especially for the cricket and curry ones.

Exactly. Personality counts for a lot when you're a doctor. :biggrin:
Reply 6
just stay optmistic it seemed that the interview was ok
Reply 7
Maybe being so jokey in an interview isn't such a good idea. Regardless, I wish you luck with getting an offer. :smile:
Reply 8
good luck it doesn't sound like it went so badly so fingers crossed for you. out of wonder is it the currey capital of the uk?
Reply 9
i thought birmingham was
Reply 10
Good luck. It'd probably have been far worse if they'd sat there stony faced with glazed eyes. At least you made an impression;hopefully a positive one!! :smile:
I think the laughs were 'good laughs', like a lot of other ppl on here have said.

My interviewers laughed at me in my vet med interviews, and u wud be suprised of the number of ppl i have heard of getting offers through giving witty answers. Ok, so it doesnt always work, but from what u have said, it doesnt sound to me like u have done all too badly :smile:

lots and lots of luck x
Reply 12
Don't worry, I think everyone always thinks their interviews went badly, I know I always do (both medical school and PRHO job interviews! :wink: ) just try and stay positive at least till you hear one way or the other!
Reply 13
My friends interviewers at Manchester laughed at him and he was rejected two days later.

Good luck
Reply 14
*grin* thanks for sharing that - it made me chuckle :smile: So I read it to my Dad (who asked what was funny) and it made him chuckle too!

Best of luck..
Reply 15
:eek: :eek:

as some of u know i had my leicester interview on wednesday.. the day started ok we had a tour round the uni.. then came the 2 hour wait b4 my interview came.. ok it started with the usual why medicine, why leicester?? i again spoke too fast cos i got so nervous (tried deep breaths) but i think they got most of it... then they talked mainly some q's from my personal statement about some things ive done. ok so far... :flute:

then came some harder q's... like he said "do u think 1st world countries (e.g. uk) should pay 3rd world countries for supplying doctors".. for this i talked some utter crap.. dont think they were pleased :frown: . Then i got asked about the route 2 be a consultant and i got very hesistant but got there.

Then the consultant asked me about my veiws on abortion.. so i talked about how u cant kill an innocent life etc. etc. and then after id finished he started laughing! :embarasse :embarasse I must have said something stupid.. i cant remember...

then i got asked about my extra activies, talked about sport, mainly footie and cricket. He asked "who is ur favourite cricketer?", i spoke "Shoaib Akhtar, cos hell batter india"... so this time they both started laughing for about 10 seconds !! :flute: :embarasse :flute: Then i realised they were both of indian origin and shudnt hav said that!

then right at the end they asked "do u have any q's?", i said "is it true leicester is the curry capital of the UK?".. they started laughing and said yes and thx for coming...

ok so i think i havent got much chance tbh of doing medicine this year.. ill probably look for another course thru ucas extra... so thx 4 readin people!

Hahaha!!!!! Thanks for that. That really made my day!!
Reply 16
My friends interviewers at Manchester laughed at him and he was rejected two days later.

Good luck

Reply 17
The interviewers at Manc laughed at me aswell [:frown:] (or at my lame jokes) but I got an offer [:smile:]. I didn't like the interviewers there.

neways, it doesn't seem to have gone that bad. good luck!
Reply 18
:eek: :eek:

then i got asked about my extra activies, talked about sport, mainly footie and cricket. He asked "who is ur favourite cricketer?", i spoke "Shoaib Akhtar, cos hell batter india"... so this time they both started laughing for about 10 seconds !! :flute: :embarasse :flute: Then i realised they were both of indian origin and shudnt hav said that! lol lol :biggrin: :biggrin: ...look I got asked about cricket too and I said Pakistan would lose (gave a good argument...pathetic aus tour, problems in dressing room, poor domestic system, strength of india at home, though i did add you never know in indo-pak matches!)...but mate you shouldnt have been so blunt about it...if you gave a sensible answer drawing from whatever little cricket knowledge u have (trust me I know how much cricket knowledge you 8 month year old niece probably knows more!) they would have not mocked you...ah well what's done is done...but lol that is well funny...hahahahaha :biggrin:

oh and the curry i think that seals it for
Reply 19
devesh254 lol lol :biggrin: :biggrin: ...look I got asked about cricket too and I said Pakistan would lose (gave a good argument...pathetic aus tour, problems in dressing room, poor domestic system, strength of india at home, though i did add you never know in indo-pak matches!)...but mate you shouldnt have been so blunt about it...if you gave a sensible answer drawing from whatever little cricket knowledge u have (trust me I know how much cricket knowledge you 8 month year old niece probably knows more!) they would have not mocked you...ah well what's done is done...but lol that is well funny...hahahahaha :biggrin:

oh and the curry i think that seals it for

The 2nd of March mate! Just you wait. :cool: