The Student Room Group

Park Wood Accommodation

So ive apllied for my accommodation now, but im suddenly scared that ive done it wrong :frown:

Is park wood the one in the student village?
And i didnt see an option for mixed or single sex halls. So what will i end up with?

Is park wood okay in general? Or is it a bit manky or something?

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Parkwood is the student village a short walk off main campus. It consists of 5 person houses (superior and non-superior) and flats.

Mostly, they are mixed sex, but I believe there are some single sex available. If this is something you really want then you should drop Hospitality an email.

The houses are okay. The kitchen is very small, but its alright for 5 people. There are two toilets in each house, so that's never a problem. The bathroom upstairs has the shower and what not. I've never had any problems with that either. The rooms are alright, a decent size with lots of shelf and drawer space.
Reply 2
See if you can access the form again. I remember when I applied, I could access it again and change it. I remember there are lots of Parkwood options. The superior houses have 6 people in rather than 5, but you have a bigger kitchen, two bathrooms (with shower & toilet), and slightly bigger rooms. They're also a lot newer than the standards. IMO if you're gonna go for Parkwood, go for superior, because it's only like £200 more than the standard and they really are far "superior".
Reply 3
^^^ agreed I applied for standard originally but got put into superior and its worth it despite some of the breakdowns we've had but everything is fixed within 3 hours so thats good.

If you want a really good bit of parkwood look at the on-suite flats not sure how many there is to a corridor but large kitchen and the few i've been to are very social
I'm in Parkwood Flats and apart from the walk (which is a bit harsh in the mornings when you're hungover, it's raining AND you're already 10 minutes late for a lecture) it's a nice place to live. There's 6 people per corridor, 6 corridors per block. The kitchens are quite big, but it depends on whereabouts your block is as to how big it is - Ours is quite significantly smaller than some others because we're a corner block. You get one cooker (ours has a dodgy gas button :s) and two fridge freezers, table and six chairs and then more than enough cupboard space. A cleaner comes in every week and washes the work surfaces/moans at us for not tidying up.

En-suite is great, the bathrooms are small but they're quite cosy :p:, cleaners come once a fortnight and washing them out etc. Rooms are big, personally I've not been in a Parkwood house room, but I know they're about the size of Tyler B+C (or so I was told)

Best thing about Parkwood - It really is a little community, Woodies is great for a quiet night in (unless the Rock Soc are in there!) and Essentials is handy. The walk to campus is quite sweet as well, when it's sunny. Worst thing is it doesn't have a cash point, the receptionist is a rude cow and it's an effort sometimes to walk onto campus...
Reply 5
feel better now

ive applied for standard but i wont be devastated if i get superior.

Thanks for all the answers :biggrin:
Reply 6
i like standard to be honest, and i wouldnt worry about mixed or single sex houses, i applied for mixed and im in a house of 5 with 4 girls, apparently the accomodation service is notorious for stuff like that, one of my housemate's friends is round our house all the time because she lives in a house with 4 french people who are all really cliquey, but don't let that put you off, i love my housemates, it just seems a little unbalanced
one of my housemate's friends is round our house all the time because she lives in a house with 4 french people who are all really cliquey, but don't let that put you off, i love my housemates, it just seems a little unbalanced

Does she live in Willows court, by any chance?

I'm with 4 French people and I absolutely hate it.
Willows Court AKA Little Paris :p:
Reply 9
I applied for standard and got superior- SO GLAD. We also have a corner house so ours is almost double the size of the other houses [they are in rows].

I love parkwood, its gonna be great in the summer :biggrin:
Reply 10
^ I have been in the corner houses. The kitchens seem A LOT bigger, but at the same time kinda narrow & awkward. The rooms are the same. Though when I first went in I was like "woooah look at the size of this kitchen". And they have the cute little counters/benches on the side! :smile:
Reply 11
^ I have been in the corner houses. The kitchens seem A LOT bigger, but at the same time kinda narrow & awkward. The rooms are the same. Though when I first went in I was like "woooah look at the size of this kitchen". And they have the cute little counters/benches on the side! :smile:

Ours isn't narrow/awkward? though my room is a funny shape as I'm above the end of the kitchen...I don't mind tho, I get more windows :biggrin:
Reply 12
whats the difference between corner houses and normal houses??

And do you get put in a flat or a house???
Not much, you don't get to pick.

If you apply for Parkwood Houses, you'll get a house, if you apply for Parkwood Flats (it's in the with Tyler B+C I think?) then you'll get a flat :smile:
Reply 14
makes sense :biggrin:
On the plus side...


The houses are okay. The kitchen is very small, but its alright for 5 people. There are two toilets in each house, so that's never a problem. The bathroom upstairs has the shower and what not. I've never had any problems with that either. The rooms are alright, a decent size with lots of shelf and drawer space.

But then again...


I'm with 4 French people and I absolutely hate it.

On the plus side...

But then again...


Reply 17
ive applied for superior room in a house. I loved the houses better than the others. Decent sized as well.
Reply 18
Superior ftw [Purchase Court is the best, plus it just got refurbished- everything is newwwwwwww] :biggrin:
Reply 19
ive applied for superior room in a house. I loved the houses better than the others. Decent sized as well.

Good choice. :smile:

The superiors in my court just got refurbished before me moved in too.. so perhaps all the superiors in Parkwood did?

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