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Reply 20
i cannot believe the stupidity on this thread.
Reply 21
Once I was going out clubbing but my bad ankle was extremely painful so I stupidly took 4 paracetomol to ease the pain so I could dance. I got drunk very quick but I was very very ill. I threw up loads and felt bad for about four days with sickness, cramps, dizziness and achy limbs. Dont do it. Your poor liver cant cope with things like that

Um, it is far, far more likely that your drink got spiked. 4 paracetamol really would not have that effect on you even with drinking.
Reply 22
lou p

you were already OD-ing with that amount anyway. you're not meant to take more than 2 paracetamol every 4hours and don't take it with ibuprofen (it's an either/or thing)

lou xxx

true about 2 paracetamol every 4 hours, but you can take ibuprofen and paracetamol at the same time, however if the pain is that bad you really need to see a doctor, which is why it isn't advised.
I was told to take paracetamol and ibruprofen with my wrist.

Yeah it's completely fine to do that as long as you stick to the recommended doses of both. Paracetamol is a non-opioid analgesic and ibuprofen is an NSAID so they work by different mechanisms to relieve the pain :smile:
Reply 24
People in know claim that if you have one or two paracetamol before you go out you get drunk much faster, is this true, obviously if you have alot of both it can kill you but i guess its harmless in smallish quanities, i'm going out in 2 hours, do you think i should give it a go?

why would you want/need to get drunk faster?

you're messing with your body, binge drinking is bad enough for your liver anyway, it's not "harmless". apart from anything else, being that drunk will make you vulnerable as well. so use some common sense - obviously it's not going to be a good idea.
Reply 25
Yeah it's completely fine to do that as long as you stick to the recommended doses of both. Paracetamol is a non-opioid analgesic and ibuprofen is an NSAID so they work by different mechanisms to relieve the pain :smile:

Paracetamol is always in the dam NSAID chapter's of my pharmacology books :mad: Silly books.
Reply 26
I thought it would be fine since my doctor and the specialist told me to! But now I'm allergic to ibuprofen :mad:
Reply 27
I thought it would be fine since my doctor and the specialist told me to! But now I'm allergic to ibuprofen :mad:

a lot of people are. i can't take it because i'm asthmatic. dry a paracetamol and codine mix as a painkiller, it can be quite effective (you can get it over the counter methinks)

lou xxx
Reply 28
lou p
a lot of people are. i can't take it because i'm asthmatic. dry a paracetamol and codine mix as a painkiller, it can be quite effective (you can get it over the counter methinks)

lou xxx

Yeah, I have codeine :smile: :biggrin: You can get it over the counter, but I get stronger stuff from my doctor.
If aspirin can, paracetamol will too.

aspirin is nothing to paracetemol. Take 50 aspirin, and you'll have a stomach ache. Take 50 paracetemol, and you'll have a funeral.
Why don't you put an IV ethanol drip whilst you're at it, or perhaps a vodka enema...

But when push comes to shove, i question this - why the hell do people these days simply want to get drunk as fast as possible?
Reply 30
Trust me paracetamol and alcohol being mixed is not good. I used to do it and had a severe liver infection when I was a kid and know have to get my liver function checked every year.

God I'm falling apart.....