I Go to Birmingham uni i am a first year and i am studying economics. It is a very ver y good course, with lots of support, we do 6 modules in the first year, one is maths like, and if you have done a level maths you go in one group, and if you have only done gcse maths you go into another group. Both are quite demanding, and you need to be prepared to work to understand the concepts. The notes are very good for both though, so the information is available to help you. Another modules is statistics, you are not setted for this, everyone does it, it is split into a level type statistics, and computer data stuff. The computer side is very enjoyable and interesting. This is the only maths. The other four modules are principles of economics, so basically a level basic stuff, and The EU which is like module 4 of a level repeated but abit more intense. And then the 5th module is 'economic history of modern britain' which is quite interesting to know the history of the economy in past years. You get an all rounded education of different economic concepts with these 5 modules. The 6th module is optional. I did basic principes of english law, or banking and financial systems, or you can do politics etc. Any questions just ask!