The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i got an offer into birmingham for the same course without having a maths a level only at gcse
Reply 2
oh i c. I really wanted to apply in birmingham uni for Economics. But i needed a grade B in gcse maths. I thought i had it but then i found out my exam was a B but the coursework i failed and put my grade down to a C. bUT do you think i still wouldve got in even if my predicted grades were fine if i apllied?
Reply 3
oh i c. I really wanted to apply in birmingham uni for Economics. But i needed a grade B in gcse maths. I thought i had it but then i found out my exam was a B but the coursework i failed and put my grade down to a C. bUT do you think i still wouldve got in even if my predicted grades were fine if i apllied?

Well that is a very speculative question, but I guess probably not.
i.e. I would expect the b to be binding.
im torn between warwick, manchester, birmingham and York for Economics. Can people give me some advice and guidance on the advantages and disadvantages of each..
also i love the city of Newcastle but they only do an BA degree in Economics and i want to go into banking, investment etc... is it that important to do a BSc for these careers
im predicted
Maths B
Biology A
Business studies A
and History B
wot wud u suggest i do? maybe accounting and finance or economics but at which uni?!! im so confused!!
thanks :smile:
you bumped an old thread, should have created your own but.......... warwick easily.............. (i'm guessing you have offers?)
Reply 6
you bumped an old thread, should have created your own but.......... warwick easily.............. (i'm guessing you have offers?)

would taking 4 subjects (maths, biology, business and history) to Alevel be advantagous to get into birmingham. i am applying for entry in 2010 and am expected
business A*
biology A
Maths C
history B

Note that 2 of the grades are differenet :biggrin:

Whats the nightlife like in Birmingham? does it compare to manchester etc?
Also is the Economics BSc well respected by employers in the financial sector?
What are ur opinions on either Birmingham... manchester.... york....bristol or nottingham (All BSc economics!) Thanks
Reply 9
I Go to Birmingham uni i am a first year and i am studying economics. It is a very ver y good course, with lots of support, we do 6 modules in the first year, one is maths like, and if you have done a level maths you go in one group, and if you have only done gcse maths you go into another group. Both are quite demanding, and you need to be prepared to work to understand the concepts. The notes are very good for both though, so the information is available to help you. Another modules is statistics, you are not setted for this, everyone does it, it is split into a level type statistics, and computer data stuff. The computer side is very enjoyable and interesting. This is the only maths. The other four modules are principles of economics, so basically a level basic stuff, and The EU which is like module 4 of a level repeated but abit more intense. And then the 5th module is 'economic history of modern britain' which is quite interesting to know the history of the economy in past years. You get an all rounded education of different economic concepts with these 5 modules. The 6th module is optional. I did basic principes of english law, or banking and financial systems, or you can do politics etc. Any questions just ask!
I Go to Birmingham uni i am a first year and i am studying economics. It is a very ver y good course, with lots of support, we do 6 modules in the first year, one is maths like, and if you have done a level maths you go in one group, and if you have only done gcse maths you go into another group. Both are quite demanding, and you need to be prepared to work to understand the concepts. The notes are very good for both though, so the information is available to help you. Another modules is statistics, you are not setted for this, everyone does it, it is split into a level type statistics, and computer data stuff. The computer side is very enjoyable and interesting. This is the only maths. The other four modules are principles of economics, so basically a level basic stuff, and The EU which is like module 4 of a level repeated but abit more intense. And then the 5th module is 'economic history of modern britain' which is quite interesting to know the history of the economy in past years. You get an all rounded education of different economic concepts with these 5 modules. The 6th module is optional. I did basic principes of english law, or banking and financial systems, or you can do politics etc. Any questions just ask!

Whilst this is a very informative post, the TC/ Poster no.1 have either declined a Birmingham offer or are currently in your year :p:
Reply 11
I Go to Birmingham uni i am a first year and i am studying economics. It is a very ver y good course, with lots of support, we do 6 modules in the first year, one is maths like, and if you have done a level maths you go in one group, and if you have only done gcse maths you go into another group. Both are quite demanding, and you need to be prepared to work to understand the concepts. The notes are very good for both though, so the information is available to help you. Another modules is statistics, you are not setted for this, everyone does it, it is split into a level type statistics, and computer data stuff. The computer side is very enjoyable and interesting. This is the only maths. The other four modules are principles of economics, so basically a level basic stuff, and The EU which is like module 4 of a level repeated but abit more intense. And then the 5th module is 'economic history of modern britain' which is quite interesting to know the history of the economy in past years. You get an all rounded education of different economic concepts with these 5 modules. The 6th module is optional. I did basic principes of english law, or banking and financial systems, or you can do politics etc. Any questions just ask!

What is the essential text book? coz I am gonna be doing Economics in Birmingham this year ^__^
What is the essential text book? coz I am gonna be doing Economics in Birmingham this year ^__^

not at bham myself but i'm 100% sure you will be given an email of some sort or an induction pack of some sort. Failing that, your lecturers will introduce the books needed in the first lecture of your modules - don't worry about it for the time being.

One tip however is, don't get the books straight away. Have a look in the library or wait until someone you know buys it and take a look to see if it's worth it - I made the mistake of buying the books and tbh with you i barely used most of them lol. Some i barely/never touched but some were amazing such as my finance text book. Give it a few weeks and you'll know when you need the text book and when you don't.

I Go to Birmingham uni i am a first year and i am studying economics. It is a very ver y good course, with lots of support, we do 6 modules in the first year

how do you manage to only fit 6 modules in one full year?? :eek: i did 10 lol
Reply 13
not at bham myself but i'm 100% sure you will be given an email of some sort or an induction pack of some sort. Failing that, your lecturers will introduce the books needed in the first lecture of your modules - don't worry about it for the time being.

One tip however is, don't get the books straight away. Have a look in the library or wait until someone you know buys it and take a look to see if it's worth it - I made the mistake of buying the books and tbh with you i barely used most of them lol. Some i barely/never touched but some were amazing such as my finance text book. Give it a few weeks and you'll know when you need the text book and when you don't.

how do you manage to only fit 6 modules in one full year?? :eek: i did 10 lol

Where do you get taught for the first year? and what is your timetable like, as in timings?

Is it really hard for people who don't do economics but have a passion for maths?
Where do you get taught for the first year? and what is your timetable like, as in timings?

i got taught in the lecture hall?........ :lolwut: strange question lol

as for time tables, the maximum i've had is 7 hours in a day, the least i've had is 0. It varies

Is it really hard for people who don't do economics but have a passion for maths?

not really
Reply 15
i got taught in the lecture hall?........ :lolwut: strange question lol

as for time tables, the maximum i've had is 7 hours in a day, the least i've had is 0. It varies

not really

lol, I meant as in where are the lectures and seminars located?
lol, I meant as in where are the lectures and seminars located?

you do know i'm not at birmingham right? which you would have known if you actually read my original post.........
Reply 17
you do know i'm not at birmingham right? which you would have known if you actually read my original post.........

my mistake :p:

Where do you go anyway?