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I think a lot of shy girls are shy because they're not very attractive, or at least weren't in childhood.

As the former, I can confirm this.
I'm painfully shy. I'm no oil painting, but I'm no shrek! Therefore your theory is null and void.
I think a lot of shy girls are shy because they're not very attractive, or at least weren't in childhood.

As the former, I can confirm this.

well are you fit now :P
Reply 4
It depends, in england it's rare for girls not to be stuck up.

In other parts of the world, a lot of attractive girls are shy.
Reply 5
I'm painfully shy. I'm no oil painting, but I'm no shrek! Therefore your theory is null and void.

You don't look like the painfully shy type. Not saying you're not. And I don't know what that type looks like. But there you go
You can't stereotype that, some girls are quiet & others mouth off about how pretty they are, like its the biggest news of the century.

England though, as Zamolxes said, has some right stuck up girls. Come to Devon mate, you have no idea how stuck up some girls can be. It's very brown fox ran over the fence posh lardeedar. xD
Reply 7
Some of them pretend to be but just want attention.
Reply 8
I'm painfully shy. I'm no oil painting, but I'm no shrek! Therefore your theory is null and void.

Your profile pic suggests you are far from shy - so btl my thought stands.
well are you fit now :P


Unfortunate, I know.

But shy people are shy for a reason-- either something with the parents, or during school days, when they got the impression that no-one wants to hear them/ bullying/ etc. Attractive people are far less likely to have had that.
I'm painfully shy. I'm no oil painting, but I'm no shrek! Therefore your theory is null and void.

Same here.
My friend is really shy too, and she's gorgeous.
Reply 12
I suppose every gender shy, especially majority girls are shy at times. But rare for attractive girls to be shy? not really..i perceive all girls attractive but in unique way than others in different ways.

I cant imagine not even one lass not be shy at all. Everyone got a ounce of shyness in them.
Reply 13
Depends whether you consider cute to be under the category of attractive.

I'm told I'm cute, but never attractive and I'm shy around guys if I know they like me =] Normally, I vary if I'm just friends, some days I'm shy, others not but then I'm an oddball ^_^

So in conclusion, I'm shy and cute lol.
Reply 14
I honestly can't say that I've met many attractive girls that also happen to be shy? I guess it's because they're so used to getting attention and having to deal with it that it's not in their nature to be shy. Just a thought? :o:

Its because confidence is what makes them attractive!!
You don't look like the painfully shy type. Not saying you're not. And I don't know what that type looks like. But there you go
You're not the first to say that actually. Most people say the same and can't believe it when I tell them I'm shy, but I am, painfully shy.
The ones that are stonkingly gorgeous tend to have a lot of attention and generally confident so yes it is rare.
I was an ugly little blob in my childhood. I was a chubby blob with train track braces. And I was bullied quite severely, which continued throughout secondary school. That no doubt knocked my confidence and I have very low self-esteem even to this day. I've never even worn a bikini because I'm so self-concious!
You're not the first to say that actually. Most people say the same and can't believe it when I tell them I'm shy, but I am, painfully shy.

I'm surprised, you look outgoing (if that makes sense!).
Reply 19
Depends whether you consider cute to be under the category of attractive.

I'm told I'm cute, but never attractive and I'm shy around guys if I know they like me =] Normally, I vary if I'm just friends, some days I'm shy, others not but then I'm an oddball ^_^

So in conclusion, I'm shy and cute lol.

You look a bit like that singer from Mcfly!