The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
i am a little frightened. I mean 10 people in a 6th form of 180 people have it and i am beginnig to feel very uncomfortable.

Some kids in year 11 got it at my school. Doing dodgy things at dodgy parties apparently. Everyone had to be immunised :frown:
Some kids in year 11 got it at my school. Doing dodgy things at dodgy parties apparently. Everyone had to be immunised :frown:

dodgy things like kissing and coughing.
The smut that goes on these days...
Reply 4
dodgy things like kissing and coughing.
The smut that goes on these days...

Hmm... well the dodgy things at dodgy parties line came from my teacher, and that's all I know about the incident! :p:
There's about 20 cases of 1000 people in my college.

I'm having an MMR booster next Friday. :smile:
Quite a few people have had mumps recently at my school. I think about 8 people had it over January exams...
Reply 7
there is a university wide epidemic
Reply 8
Never mind... get it over and done with and you'll never get mumps again.

My abysmally positive outlook on getting mumps hehehe :biggrin:
Reply 9
Been there, done it. Had a big outbreak at uni. No point getting your jabs now as they won't work in time..get it and get it over with :biggrin: It's ok, just sore face and can't eat and want to sleep for about a week.