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get rid of anything that reminds you of her, stay single until your 100% over her and well I don't really know myself
Reply 2
get rid of anything that reminds you of her, stay single until your 100% over her and well I don't really know myself

But I can't really do that since we are still friends and getting rid of anything that reminded me of her would mean I would have to stop talking to about 8 friends anyway.
Reply 3
Although I have been saying that I am over breaking up with my girlfriend, I am still having a bit of difficulty coming to terms with the fact that I am not going out with my girlfriend anymore. Is there anything anyone can suggest that does not involve picking up some random girl and sleeping with her or going to a club?

Time. Truely time and space are the only cures. Took me a year and a half to get over the last girl I fell for. I am now in a new and very happy relationship. Moral of the story, although it hurts, it wont soon enough.
But I can't really do that since we are still friends and getting rid of anything that reminded me of her would mean I would have to stop talking to about 8 friends anyway.

Well only advice I can give is don't jump in to another relationship because even when you think your over it, sometimes your not
Reply 5
Well only advice I can give is don't jump in to another relationship because even when you think your over it, sometimes your not

There is really no-one that I can jump into a relationship with really, at least not in my local area.
Reply 6
time will heal all wounds, but there will still be scares. If you did love her (and from what u said i think u did) there will ALWAYS be a part of you which will. Even in 50 years time a certain smell or feeling will remind you of her.

The best way is just to go out and have fun. Basicly take your mind off it. Play some vidio games, get drunk, get high, read a good book. I found that getting a gf right after a long term relationship isnt a good idea since you will just compare her to your ex.
I broke up with my first girlfriend new years day 2003 and even though for the most part I'm over her I'll occasionally think about her or whatever, I don't want to get back with her or anything but she's still in my thoughts sometimes. I got close to a girl recently but we sorta broke it off and I think I'm through the worst now but I can't really forget about her because her family come to the bar where I work every week and she does sometimes to.
Reply 8
this might seem a little harsh and i'm sorry for it, but PLEASE stop whining about it! OK these things happen, and ok i feel sorry for you, since you didnt want it to end. But look, you had good times together, think about that - think about how no matter what you'll remember the times you spent together. It's a happy memory now - not a sad one....and the sooner you realise it, the sooner you'll get over it. If you just stay depressed you'll turn it into a sad memory, and it's much better to keep it as a happy one!
Reply 9
grin and bear it...thats the only cure ive ever found
Hmm it's such a sad time, one of my friends broke up from his girlfriend a few weeks ago and is still having panic attacks, it's quite worrying really and I don't know what to do... and someone else I know broke up from his, and just everything is depressing and horrible.

It's just caused by the seasons, isn't it? Everybody gets depressed these times.
don't "force" yourself to love / be with someone else just cos u wanna get over your ex. it's unfair to the "substitute" and you're also lying to yourself. delete all the emails / sms msgs or remove everything that would remind you of your ex out of your sight. and let time do the rest.
don't "force" yourself to love / be with someone else just cos u wanna get over your ex. it's unfair to the "substitute" and you're also lying to yourself. delete all the emails / sms msgs or remove everything that would remind you of your ex out of your sight. and let time do the rest.

Yeah but the problem is he's going to stay friends with her I think, meaning he'll be speaking to her every day anyway... not that good an idea eh?
Yeah but the problem is he's going to stay friends with her I think, meaning he'll be speaking to her every day anyway... not that good an idea eh?

when i broke up with my ex...we didn't speak for about a month before we started talking as friends again. we both still loves each other but i knew breaking up was for the best (he cheated on me). i eventually got over him...though he was never really over me but i didn't want to think about that. we were friends alright until he found out i have a new bf...and he's been giving me **** ever since.

so i guess he shouldn't expect to be over her immediately cos it does take time...and although he wants to be friends with will take quite a while before both sides can get accustomed to that idea. so i think they should leave each other alone for a while before being "friends" again.
Reply 14
Although I have been saying that I am over breaking up with my girlfriend, I am still having a bit of difficulty coming to terms with the fact that I am not going out with my girlfriend anymore. Is there anything anyone can suggest that does not involve picking up some random girl and sleeping with her or going to a club?

"Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes. The eyes. The eyes. Not around the eyes. Don't look around my eyes. Look into my eyes... You're under."

You are no longer upset about this girl. Infact, you are ready to get another girlfriend who will make you even happier than your ex.

3..2..1 you're back in the room.
I don't think I have ever really loved someone, but I had a bit of a nasty breakup a few years ago - we had dated for about 18 months. I allowed myself to feel completely sorry for myself for a few days, and then decided that it was time I got dressed and did something. I deleted all my texts/emails from them, and went ice skating I think (because I hadn't gone for ages and it was exciting). Avoid drinking because if you're a bit upset it only heightens the feeling. I went and visited and friends and made an effort not to talk about it, and distracted myself for as long as I could basically. Maybe it's not so simple if you loved someone, but after a while I felt like I had got a bit of distance from the whole thing, and it was a bit of a claustrophobic relationship anyway, so I felt better and realised that life could go on, even if it was actually quite different.
Hope there's something in there that helps, even though my situation was pretty different to yours. And I hope you feel more cheerful soon, and that you and Micala can remain friends.

To summarise this little ramble - time cures most things. Except suspected pregnancies.
I know how you feel. I broke up with my boyfriend about 5 months ago now (God that is ages!) as he turned out to be gay and couldn't cope with trying to be straight anymore.... that hurt more than you can imagine. And there are still times when i can't get over what has happened and how much things have changed. A part of me will always love him in the way i used to when we were together but i also realise that he has a boyfriend now and is happy and i should be happy for him as he is my best friend too and he never meant to hurt me. Time does ease the pain, i promise.

Reply 17

Most people will say NC (No Contact) to you. But I imagine that's probably what you are doing now. I am far too inexperienced in love to say much really. Besides, I got myself into some sticky situation recently and I don't have a clue how to deal with. I'm finding my way out in the dark...

You write poems don't you? I do too. I write when I'm depressed, and it makes me feel better for 2 or 3 days. Write more, you'll feel better.
Reply 18
this might seem a little harsh and i'm sorry for it, but PLEASE stop whining about it! OK these things happen, and ok i feel sorry for you, since you didnt want it to end. But look, you had good times together, think about that - think about how no matter what you'll remember the times you spent together. It's a happy memory now - not a sad one....and the sooner you realise it, the sooner you'll get over it. If you just stay depressed you'll turn it into a sad memory, and it's much better to keep it as a happy one!

:dito: sorry, but this persons right.
Reply 19
stop talking about her, as others have said.

limit chatting to her for a while, explain why if she wants to know,

on the other hand at least she lives quite a way away. my last ex (ages ago but still) lived 6 doors up, which was great :rolleyes: