also do u think its possible to like someone a lot older? after all why would age intercept their desirable, unique qualities? i just can't understand why people only seem to like others with a maximum of 10 years difference, any older and they go 'uhh no way' even if they still look decent
btw by 'like' i don't neceserily mean you want sex with, i mean you like being with/emotionally attached to in an opposite sex way - if u know what i mean
I wouldn't admit that. When you meet a girl, in a club for example, the biggest tell-tale sign is when you have a conversation with them, much more than the way they look. Some girls are more mature than others but there's always a certain naivety/innocence that shows through. Some girls can fool you into thinking they're 2 or 3 years older but after a while, you still end up noticing.
thats a difficult topic cause i got to know this girl from judo she looked about 11/12 ish so i obviously didn't speak to her too much but when i found out she was 20 i couldn't believe it i was totally shocked!!! i mean everyone else said they thought the same at first but even if i found her attractive i still dont think id go out with her (if a rare instance came where she asked me) cause id feel way too old
is this just me or would other guys think the same
If you think the girl's cute, go for it. Some people are bad at telling age. To me, even 18-year old girls that look 25, still look 18 to me. There's always something there. Not necessarily in physical features but in the way they hold themselves, facial expressions, stuff like that. But like anyone, there are times when you make errors of judgement.
everyone agreed with me though but yeah facial expressions in general are a give away
lol. Ok some girls can fool you a bit with the way the dress and the way they look. But there are so many things that can be tell-tale signs that a girl is younger than she might say. For me, it's when you have a proper conversation with her. Depending on the subject, there are things you say that give away your age.
lol. Ok some girls can fool you a bit with the way the dress and the way they look. But there are so many things that can be tell-tale signs that a girl is younger than she might say. For me, it's when you have a proper conversation with her. Depending on the subject, there are things you say that give away your age.
I chose 25 although not totally true. When I was 16 I fancied a 21 year old and went out with him for a bit. So now when I'm 20 he is 25. That's the closest I have been to liking an older man though.