The Student Room Group

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with you :love:
Ten places above all you ***** in Snakes and Ladders.
Reply 3
trophy wife, big house, fast car, then drug addiction, gambling, death damn!
President of Angola
with you :love:


That's taken.
Reply 6
Self-employed, making good money.
Reply 7
i hope buy then i have made my first million

you gotta have dreams
if you dream
you might aswell dream big
incredibly bored

or dead

That's taken.


In hospital giving birth to my first child...

Would be well spooky if I was right
Reply 11
Being Happy..
Just finished being a junior doc and now a specialty registrar hopefully.
Reply 13

hopefully in canada/australia/new zealand :borat:
Life in a Glasshouse
incredibly bored

or dead

being 27 years old, being a bit worried about getting closer to 30, wishing i was back at uni so i could be a slacker again.
in a ditch
31 years old.

Tough call.

I'll be in another country, Hopefully with a wife and a toddler by then.

Middle Management job, still working on that script...
Reply 19
In the mirror

ba dum bum chsss