The Student Room Group

Modafinil/Smart Drugs/Study Drugs


Have you used drugs like modafinil for study purposes?

I know there have been a fair few threads about this, I don't think there's ever been one polling usage?

I was just wondering how many on TSR have used modafinil or similar drugs either to stay up for longer revising or to enhance exam performance etc?

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I personally feel if you have the right mindset, then drugs would not have an effect as the willingness to succeed will already be there. To be honest, it's probably a way for people who can't manage their revision time properly to take a second chance.
Reply 2
I have used modifilin but it made me feel a bit sick. I used it incorrectly though - i took it at night when it's meant to be taken in the morning... I am considering taking another one before my exam tomorrow but i'm not sure =/
Reply 3
I'd also just like to set something straight about modafinil. A lot of people have the idea that it's this amazing drug that means you can study/work/play video games/party all night without sleeping and feel fine in the morning. Not so!

Whilst you may be able to stay alert without having slept all night, you'll still feel lousy the following day.

Also, I've never experienced and increase in my base line concentration level. As in, if I take them I'm not suddenly much more able to concentrate on my work, or suddenly a genius or anything like that. However, if I'm really tired, they do enable me to concentrate normally, alleviating that "wooly head" feeling.

(Before anyone shouts at me, I'm on modafinil for medical reasons, to treat idiopathic excessive daytime sleepiness, I'm not using them recreationally. Although, of course, I have experimented with the staying up all night thing, out of curiousity)
Reply 4
Is it a prescription drug?
Is it a prescription drug?

Yes perscription only in the UK, I hear there are certain ways of getting hold of it though.
Athletes can't take steroids, so students shouldn't be able to take study drugs.
Reply 7
Is it a prescription drug?

Aye, it's prescription only in the UK, although it's commonly obtained from online pharmacies.
Interestingly, a related drug called Adrafinil (has basically the same effect but slower onset, as the body metabolises it into modafinil) is available over-the-counter in France, for about €5 a box.
I personally feel if you have the right mindset, then drugs would not have an effect as the willingness to succeed will already be there. To be honest, it's probably a way for people who can't manage their revision time properly to take a second chance.

That is actually backed up by science I believe - I read an article, perhaps the Guardian or the Times on it, where a scientist explained that it (and other mental performance enhancing drugs) only enhances that which can be enhanced, and if you are operating at peak performance mentally, it will have a negative effect.

Personally I've not used it, however I ordered some the other day. It isn't illegal by the way, to import prescription drugs into the country.:cool:
ive taken concerta twice, once for an exam and the other to stay up all night and complete coursework.

they allowed me to stay up all night and then the next day i was so energetic and talkative. felt terrible after the effects wore off, though. i wouldnt take them again as i didnt really like the feeling of being on them, tbh. think i'd rather just manage my time/revision better...
As far as I know, Modafinil is a fairly new drug so I'd be worried about the long term effects...
Reply 11
As far as I'm aware its a form of Amphetemin.
I could be wrong, but its similar to Ritilin.

I wouldnt take them, purely because I think for exams, I want a clear head, and some of my experiances with reccreation drug use when I was younger makes me think this wouldnt be a good idea.

I took speed once a few years back, and it made me relaxed and chiled out, but also very talkative, and I'm sure I'd just want to start a convo with the person next to me.
Reply 12
I haven't (I hadn't even heard of them) but i'm considering it.
it helps me concentrate if ive overslept... just generally good for focusing the mind rly, tho not essential, you still do need to put the effort into working, just makes distractions less of a problem... meh im just lazy
Reply 14
As far as I'm aware its a form of Amphetemin.
I could be wrong, but its similar to Ritilin.

I wouldnt take them, purely because I think for exams, I want a clear head, and some of my experiances with reccreation drug use when I was younger makes me think this wouldnt be a good idea.

I took speed once a few years back, and it made me relaxed and chiled out, but also very talkative, and I'm sure I'd just want to start a convo with the person next to me.

Not quite. Basically, they're what's now called "eugeroics" meaning 'good arousal'. They have mental stimulant effects, without the physiological stimulation. They don't have any effects like making you chatty or socially less inhibited or anything either.
Revd. Mike
Not quite. Basically, they're what's now called "eugeroics" meaning 'good arousal'. They have mental stimulant effects, without the physiological stimulation. They don't have any effects like making you chatty or socially less inhibited or anything either.

yes they do.
Reply 16
Well not that I've noticed. Possibly because I'm using them at the standard therapeutic dose regularly rather than in large doses as a one off.
Reply 17
Bumpity bump, just wondering if anyone else had anything.
Reply 18
I found that these legal/herbal high things called 'Road Runners' are handy for all-nighters. You get the alertness boost without any of the roughness associated with speed or pharmaceuticals
Reply 19
Looked them up, not especially interesting, essentially it's just ephedrine and caffeine. Neither of which have the same nootropic effect and have more physiological side effects associated with them.