The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well people are gonna say Westminister :smile:
But if you come LondonMet you get the privilage of drinking with me :biggrin:

But apart from that...

Depends what course it is
Reply 2
Which Is Better?

westminster, i wouldnt even have considered london met if i was you
They're both former polytechnics with, lets face it, poor academic reputations. Former polytechnics are generally more known for less traditional and more vocational subjects, so it depends on what you want to do I suppose.
Reply 4
Westminster much better... from what ive heard
Reply 5
i'm considerin lon met but i wish i'd applied 2 westminister

its way better.....or has the reputation of bein...........check the ratins on the guardian website
Reply 6
LondonMEt don#t have rating in the guardian website... I think!!!

Now I know why people are hating my uni!!! :biggrin:
Reply 7
tiempo, ive sent you a PM bout London Met, hope you can help!
Reply 8
bit random i know but keele is the most decent uni on ur list. but outa london met and westminster deffinately westminster unless it's the bit of the uni in Harrow which is horrid!!!
Reply 9
id say westminster