The Student Room Group
Reply 1
....being insanely in debt
Reply 2
... is that every time you do anything other than work you feel guilty because you're not doing work.

You do?

To be honest, I have so much on at the moment that when I do get a break and can forget all about it I'm quite glad. Definitely don't feel guilty, if I did i'd only succeed in making myself majorly stressed out.
Reply 3
... is that every time you do anything other than work you feel guilty because you're not doing work.

Ummm, I feel guilty about not doing that much work, but I don't feel guilty when I do other things other than work if that makes sense. I will always continue playing football, watching tv... but only sometimes, say at the end of the day will I feel slightly guilty about not doing that much work. But if I don't have much work to do, I won't really feel guilty.

The worst thing about being a student at least this year is the many 9 O'clock starts I have. PLus, I have a day which looks like it's a 9-5 day with no breaks. I'm hoping that I'm reading the timetable wrong.
Reply 4
You do?

To be honest, I have so much on at the moment that when I do get a break and can forget all about it I'm quite glad. Definitely don't feel guilty, if I did i'd only succeed in making myself majorly stressed out.

Think it kinda depends what year you're in - I wasn't really worried in the first 2 years, but come my 3rd year I realised it was my last chance and worked all hours god sent, especially on my dissertation!
Reply 5
People assume i'm more intelligent than i am. :redface:
Reply 6
I think it depends what the situation is, I have not been clubbing for two weeks now, and I am hoping to go out next weekend, so I wouldn't feel guilty a tiny about doing that, its more when you're in anyway and isntead of doing work you're either on here, watching TV or playing a computer game.

My other problem is I worked so hard in my second year I can't really do any more work than I did then, so it seems like I am getting behind but reality I might not be.
Reply 7
People assume i'm more intelligent than i am. :redface:

I get that as well, I discovered last week that my best mate has me down in his mobile address book as the Mad Professor. :confused:
Reply 8
That's true. It always feels as if I'm wasting my time. Every free hour I get, I think "I should do this essay now". Time and time again though, I put it off until the last minute.
Reply 9
Think it kinda depends what year you're in - I wasn't really worried in the first 2 years, but come my 3rd year I realised it was my last chance and worked all hours god sent, especially on my dissertation!

I'm second year - and I don't get a choice about the work as its all stuff that has to be handed in for marking. I have 22 hours a week on my timetable, and then at least 2 lab reports each week (thatt take at least 5 hours each, probably more), a piece of coursework every other week and coursetests about every 4 weeks. I do what I'd call the minimum, all my work is done and in on time, but I don't spend insane amounts of time on one bit of work like some people do.
Reply 10
having no money and thinking about how much debt youre gonna be in when you leave.
Reply 11[stop]...



essay...essay...essay[stop]...catch up essays...essay...


and debt?! :smile:
Reply 12
... is that every time you do anything other than work you feel guilty because you're not doing work.

Oo-er...I'm supposed to feel that?
Reply 13
... is that every time you do anything other than work you feel guilty because you're not doing work.

that is so true!!!

it doesnt make me do it though :frown: *sigh*