I once had a major argument with my mate after drinking too much strongbow, to the point where we decided to leave the pub.
Basicaly he got a bit bitter becuase he got rejected, so he started making attacks on how students don't know what its like to have to work, and then started having a go at media studies "anybody can do it what is the point on it" I got quite angry at this point.
Normaly he is ok thoguh and totaly respects what I am doing at university so it was probably just the drink talk.
I had another mate who basicaly told me university is a waste of time. In general though I never really have a problem with it, I get the impression people are very narrowminded about certain subjects though.
For example taxi drivers, I have lost count of the amount of times I have had this conversion with a taxi driver
driver: so are you working tomorrow?
me: No I am a student, I'm in at 11:00
Driver: Oh right what do you study
me: computing
Driver: thats good lots of jobs in that area
me: yeah it there can be, it just depends on the market place
driver: Its got to be better than wasting your time with media studies
Of course the stereotype is not true or fair.
A lot of students do behave badly, but taxi drivers have often told me that they prefer to go to the student clubs because they very rarely get any trouble compared to normal night clubs.
I think the main reason students behave badly is becuase of their age, of course workers the same age probably are just badly behaved.
Edit your thread is slightly odd, are you sure you're not currently a student? If not and you are over 40, its nice to see older people respecting the younger generation for a change, instead of the usual we had it harder in our day attitude. Which to be fair I have never realy experienced.