The Student Room Group

Students, And A BAD Reputation!!!!!!!!!!


We are over 40 years of age and get seriously ticked off by people that have never been students at uni or left years ago, and bad mouth all students re drinking and messing about. The same people also talk about a waste of tax payer’s money!!

We totally disagree with them and have had several heated arguments that like any group of people, students should not be held responsible for the few that are OTT!!!

Students are usually young people that strive to obtain a status in life that will benefit them and people they wish to serve. We can see that but don't understand why students have such a bad press!!!

For one to further their education these days is a very expensive business. Students are gaining better results through damn hard work, but those that are uneducated state that exams are getting easier - this makes us really angry as we've seen exam papers for 16 year olds and we're unable to make heads or tails out of them, and we are educated to uni standards!!

Do students often encounter this type of bigoted attitude from the uneducated and lacking social skills??

If yes, what age group/background are these people from?

how do you respond to people like that?

Best wishes!!!

Lucian :smile:

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Reply 1
Reply 2
Reply 3
i've never had a problem with student bashing
Reply 4
In the local paper there's often rather a heated letter or two concerning some student digs nearby where the students have piled empty bottles and cans of beer against the windows in rather attractive arrangements.

I suppose the conclusions the letter writers come to of, “wasting taxpayer money” (who generally consist of retired neo-nazis), are fair enough, given the evidence. However, it's flawed to expand this argument to all students.

I haven't really had a personal experience which has necessitated a heated response, but I imagine my attitude would be something along the lines of, "Pfft". Interestingly, from those I know who have experienced an argument of some level concerning this, those criticising students will often have not attended university themselves. Perhaps this is bitter resentment?
Reply 5
I once had a major argument with my mate after drinking too much strongbow, to the point where we decided to leave the pub.

Basicaly he got a bit bitter becuase he got rejected, so he started making attacks on how students don't know what its like to have to work, and then started having a go at media studies "anybody can do it what is the point on it" I got quite angry at this point.

Normaly he is ok thoguh and totaly respects what I am doing at university so it was probably just the drink talk.

I had another mate who basicaly told me university is a waste of time. In general though I never really have a problem with it, I get the impression people are very narrowminded about certain subjects though.

For example taxi drivers, I have lost count of the amount of times I have had this conversion with a taxi driver

driver: so are you working tomorrow?
me: No I am a student, I'm in at 11:00
Driver: Oh right what do you study
me: computing
Driver: thats good lots of jobs in that area
me: yeah it there can be, it just depends on the market place
driver: Its got to be better than wasting your time with media studies

Of course the stereotype is not true or fair.

A lot of students do behave badly, but taxi drivers have often told me that they prefer to go to the student clubs because they very rarely get any trouble compared to normal night clubs.

I think the main reason students behave badly is becuase of their age, of course workers the same age probably are just badly behaved.

Edit your thread is slightly odd, are you sure you're not currently a student? If not and you are over 40, its nice to see older people respecting the younger generation for a change, instead of the usual we had it harder in our day attitude. Which to be fair I have never realy experienced.
i'm a student and I ****ing hate students

that really makes no sense but you know that typical poofy student type, piss me right off
Reply 7
Edit your thread is slightly odd, are you sure you're not currently a student? If not and you are over 40, its nice to see older people respecting the younger generation for a change, instead of the usual we had it harder in our day attitude. Which to be fair I have never realy experienced.

Profile says mature student.
Reply 8
i've never had a problem with student bashing

do not get anyone started on media dtudies lol. That's just asking for an argument.
Reply 10
do not get anyone started on media dtudies lol. That's just asking for an argument.

Pfft. Media Studies, what a useless non degree! lol! :biggrin:
Reply 11
Lucian Deville
Do students often encounter this type of bigoted attitude from the uneducated and lacking social skills??

If yes, what age group/background are these people from?

how do you respond to people like that?

There is the odd uneducated buffoon that just doesn't grasp the value of an education, or even literacy. I've not really had any run-ins myself though, other than constantly being called a lazy drain on society (in jest) by everyone I know that didn't go to uni.

My best mate did have a couple of guys in their late 20's try to start a fight with him outside Teesside Uni, just because he was a student. They saw him leave uni carrying books and decided he was a geek and they should do something about it :rolleyes: I have no explanation for that type of person, other than evolution isn't doing its job.

I imagine most bigotry towards students is from those kids at school who decided it wasn't cool to be clever, and 10 years later they realised they're living on a shitty council estate, in a dead-end job with crap money and no prospects. Maybe calling the kids they used to beat-up 'sir' was the last straw and their intelligence affords them no other action than to hit something.
Pfft. Media Studies, what a useless non degree! lol! :biggrin:

yes thankyou for that constructive and intellectual bit of criticism there - very interesting well done. :smile:
Reply 13
yes thankyou for that constructive and intellectual bit of criticism there - very interesting well done. :smile:

What can I say, I'm a genius!! lol! :biggrin:
What can I say, I'm a genius!! lol! :biggrin:

Reply 15
What can I say, I'm a genius!! lol! :biggrin:

Either that, or a Media Studies student:p:

I haven't really had a personal experience which has necessitated a heated response, but I imagine my attitude would be something along the lines of, "Pfft". Interestingly, from those I know who have experienced an argument of some level concerning this, those criticising students will often have not attended university themselves. Perhaps this is bitter resentment?


Exactly how we feel!!!!

Students are good for every nation!! People that further their education in most cases are the people that put the GREAT into Gb!!


Reply 17
Either that, or a Media Studies student:p:

lol! No not a Media Studies student! Check the profile if you really want to know!
There is the odd uneducated buffoon that just doesn't grasp the value of an education, or even literacy. I've not really had any run-ins myself though, other than constantly being called a lazy drain on society (in jest) by everyone I know that didn't go to uni.

My best mate did have a couple of guys in their late 20's try to start a fight with him outside Teesside Uni, just because he was a student. They saw him leave uni carrying books and decided he was a geek and they should do something about it :rolleyes: I have no explanation for that type of person, other than evolution isn't doing its job.

I imagine most bigotry towards students is from those kids at school who decided it wasn't cool to be clever, and 10 years later they realised they're living on a shitty council estate, in a dead-end job with crap money and no prospects. Maybe calling the kids they used to beat-up 'sir' was the last straw and their intelligence affords them no other action than to hit something.

Hi Z

Excellent and factual posting at its best in our humble opinion!!!!!

We always try and respect everyone!!

However, when we were a lot younger, about 25, an old guy said to us 'respect your elders'!!! We responded by stating that it was not a case of resepcting elders but earning it - that shut up the idiot!!!

We have family in Greenwich, London - and as some may be aware, there is a very famous uni there!

We've been to the Cuttysark pub down there on a few Friday nights and the students are cramed in - However, 99:99% are extremely good natured, even when a tad drunk! In camparison, if one goes to a pub where there are many chavs about (by mistake of course) about 50% of the people there are totally uneducated and lacking social skills of the most basic type!!!!

Thanks for the good post and sharing your info!!


Reply 19
Lucian Deville

We are over 40 years of age and get seriously ticked off by people that have never been students at uni or left years ago, and bad mouth all students re drinking and messing about. The same people also talk about a waste of tax payer’s money!!

We totally disagree with them and have had several heated arguments that like any group of people, students should not be held responsible for the few that are OTT!!!

Students are usually young people that strive to obtain a status in life that will benefit them and people they wish to serve. We can see that but don't understand why students have such a bad press!!!

For one to further their education these days is a very expensive business. Students are gaining better results through damn hard work, but those that are uneducated state that exams are getting easier - this makes us really angry as we've seen exam papers for 16 year olds and we're unable to make heads or tails out of them, and we are educated to uni standards!!

Do students often encounter this type of bigoted attitude from the uneducated and lacking social skills??

If yes, what age group/background are these people from?

how do you respond to people like that?

Best wishes!!!

Lucian :smile:

Erm...I didn't absorb a word of what you just said...