The Student Room Group

Queen Mary's interview

Quite a few people seem to have interviews at qmul coming up. I was wondering whats the deal with this DVD? Is it like comprehension? Are there no standard interview questions like why dentistry and why this dental school?
Reply 1
they only ask like 2 or 3 questions about the DVD, which are pretty easy to can make notes if u want
and then they ask you all the standard questions
Reply 2
hey kamsha, im guessing youve had an interview there. what was the DVD like and what kinds of questions do they ask?
Reply 3
The DVD was not as bad as i it says on your letter it's about a dentist and a patient. You'll realise what you have to say when you watch it.
They mainly ask you questions about your personal statement and a couple about the dvd. If you look on here for sample questions and just work on those you should be fine.
The interviewers are really nice and they help you if you get stuck
ask me if you want anymore help
Reply 4
wat does the dvd show between a patient and their dentist?
Reply 5
Now that would be telling and highly unethical
Reply 6
Does anyone know the date that Bart's will be sending out their offers?

Reply 7
If you are good, within 2 weeks:smile:
Should you be borderline then...1 month?

- Barts dental student-
Reply 8
They said they would only give out offers once all interviews were finished, so end of February
Reply 9
Last round of interviews are today so hopefully they'll start sending offers out next week onwards!
Reply 10
they had medical interviews today, not dental!
Original post by Palace Head
Last round of interviews are today so hopefully they'll start sending offers out next week onwards!

Are you sure the last round of interviews has passed?

Does anybody have any idea about how fast Queen Mary is?

Thank you!
Original post by liltwinklystarz
No because my interview is on the 6th feb so its definitely not over yet!!
Queen mary is very slow because they dont reply until all interviews are done!

This thread is from a year ago

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