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Reply 1
Reply 2
although I guess cheating is entertainment for some, I wouldn't know :smile:
Reply 3
LOL, on the mod drop-down menu the entertainment forum is one below. whoops!
All of those except flirting
Reply 5
Oops, I voted wrong, I meant everything worse than kissing too.
Reply 6
Oops, I voted wrong, I meant everything worse than kissing too.

i did the same...

well i think this thread is a really good example of mod-ability :p:

lou xxx
Reply 7
Flirting is ok but anymore is too far, although the issue of forgiving depends on the individuals.

Blissy, are you curious for curiousitys sake or have you been indulging in the above 'options'?
Reply 8
lou p
i did the same...

well i think this thread is a really good example of mod-ability :p:

lou xxx

Especially with me putting it in the wrong forum to begin with!
And I'm just curious, that's all. It seems most people on TSR have a similar sort of stance when it comes to relationships.

Which do you think are unforgivable? If it came to it, I think I could stretch to forgiving all the categories - although of course I sincerely hope I wouldn't be in that position!
Reply 9
Especially with me putting it in the wrong forum to begin with!
And I'm just curious, that's all. It seems most people on TSR have a similar sort of stance when it comes to relationships.

Which do you think are unforgivable? If it came to it, I think I could stretch to forgiving all the categories - although of course I sincerely hope I wouldn't be in that position!

Ditto, but again depends on who the people involved are and the scenario, perhaps even the number of times :confused:
Reply 10
I think I'd feel guilty if I started even thinking that I could be with another guy, let alone flirting! I don't know if I'd be able to forgive myself for that :redface:. However, in a partner, I couldn't forgive any of the ones you've mentioned apart from flirting. Actually - I don't mean coudn't forgive, I mean wouldn't be happy with. Yeah, I think as you said, if it came to it, I could probably forgive all of them.

Which do you think are unforgivable? If it came to it, I think I could stretch to forgiving all the categories - although of course I sincerely hope I wouldn't be in that position!

I don't think I could really see myself forgiving any of them to be honest, but then again I've never been in a position where I really love someone so I don't know how I'd act being in love and so on
I wouldn't be happy if a boyfriend of mine flirted with someone else, but it's such an imprecise term that it's hard to say. I wouldn't consider it cheating, just a bit rude, especially if I was there. Kissing is definitely cheating, but is forgivable. Actually, I'd forgive most things if I liked someone enough, but only if they genuinely were sorry. It's hard to say, because I've never been in a really bad situation of this sort. It's the sort of thing that would really upset me; I still feel a little indignant when I see ex's kissing someone else, even though I know it's ridiculous.
Assuming that the euphemisms are what I think they are I would say all but flirting constitute cheating. As for what I'd forgive... hmm, if I loved the girl I would try to forgive everything but I'm not sure I could forgive sex. Good idea for a thread. Thought-provoking.
Hmm, I think I could probably forgive sex because it can be meaningless. I'd have a much harder time forgiving oral sex (if I can say that here) because that's really intimate. More so than regular sex, anyway. But obviously, it depends on the situation.
As I have been cheated on before I feel that if my boyfriend kissed another girl or did anything else (flirting I could deal with after much groveling) I wouldn't be able to forgive them cause I trusted them and they have gone behind my back. Breaking someones trust that you are suppose to love is horrible and crule. In my opinion it's just not acceptable.
Reply 16
I'd break up with a guy no question if i found out he kissed (+ above) someone else.

I would also seriously consider breaking up with someone who openly admitted to fancying someone else, thinking about someone else in "that" way, or blatantly flirting with someone else. the end result would depend on the circumstances.

yes, i'm a harsh cookie but i'm no hypocrite and certainly live by my own standards. I'm loyal to the bone and i think most decent guys respect that when they're grown up enough to appreciate it. Ok they may think *now* they'd want a girl who'd let them get away with murder, but when they're a little more experienced they'll realise

a) someone who doesn't care what you get up to, probably doesnt care about you either


b) that you don't get something for nothing. if she lets you do what you want, she'll be off doing the same.

(note: I wasn't always like this, when i first started going out with me boyfriend i was very naive. after we'd been going out a few weeks he casually mentioned he was off to dinner with his (female) friend that night and didn't seem to think anything to it. I was angry but let it go. now 2 years later we're still together and so many good things have happened, but i still sometimes regret not breaking up with him there and then. i know it sounds weird, i love him and what we have and the time i've been with him. but i will always wonder "what if". i feel like i was 'weak' for letting it go if you know what i mean. :frown: )

i think everyone has different standards on what they think cheating is and thats fine. whats important though is to be in a relationship with someone that has the same standards as you e.g. i would never go out with a guy that felt kissing someone else whilst in a relationship is acceptable. some people would and good luck to them, but meh, thats just not me :redface:
Reply 17
I was actually talking about this with my gf recently.

She gets quite a lot of attention from guys, especially when she is out, and she sometimes plays into this by flirting, and I'm OK with that. I think if she took it any further than just flirting, even just a kiss, I wouldn't be able to forgive her. Why? Just because would never be able to trust her again.

Having said that, I don't think she ever would because of who she is, and her own morals.
I wonder if it's possible to cheat by thoughts and emotions.... thinking about the new Simpsons episode from last night :smile:
Which of these do you think is cheating? Are they unforgivable?

Any other stories/opinions I'd be interested in. :smile:

Anything more than a peck on the lips is cheating