I suffer from depression and stayed well clear of relationships. If I can't look after myself then I can't be a good girlfriend to anyone and they sure as hell won't be able to deal with me. Unless its the most perfect relationship ever then don't inflict it on anyone else, you put them in a position where they are permanently concerned about you and feel they are incapable of making you happy. I certainyl feel that I don't have as much to give to a relationship as others....I either talk about my feelings and hurt the other person or I don't and I'm not being sharing and trusting like a good partner is. I am constantly confused, agressive or tearful and I couldn't bear to put that stress on anybody else, if i can't get a grip of my feelings then no one else will. I just started going out with my ex, but we've been best friends for years and I don't talk to him about my problems because it would just complicate things. Our relationship is very casual and relaxed, and needs to be seeing as i can take very little responsibilty. Before that, i vowed never to get involved with anyone, as as soon as i got close to someone i messed it up, as i find little joy in anything anymore.Happy happy!