The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Sorry guys. I know you hate these threads...

anyway. Does anyone here who suffers from depression feel like its going to wreck any relationship they have?

I was with J last night, went all depressed, couldn't explain why... and he'd thought I was about to finish with him or something...

I always get depressed and think that the first oppertunity someone gets my girlfriend (one I have one) will leave me, but for the most part it is me being very silly.
Reply 2
I always get depressed and think that the first oppertunity someone gets my girlfriend (one I have one) will leave me, but for the most part it is me being very silly.

I know what you mean about the whole being silly thing. I mean, J's going through a rough patch as well (will explain later). but its like I was sat there thinking why would you want to be with me at one point and he was worried I was gonna finish with him.
Reply 3
I know what you mean about the whole being silly thing. I mean, J's going through a rough patch as well (will explain later). but its like I was sat there thinking why would you want to be with me at one point and he was worried I was gonna finish with him.

For the most part it is because the other half is so wonderful and amazing that you just feel so deficient in some way.
Reply 4
dont worry...its not just you.
Reply 5
Mad Caddie
Not depression, but maybe possessiveness. I think my gf is too good for me you see, and any sign of a "better guy", and I cling to her. :redface:

been there before. its not fun
Reply 6
Mad Caddie
How did it turn out?

I don't think my gf minds as such, I have complete trust in her and she knows it, but I'm not content with myself and my position, it's a strange feeling.

when you say "not content with myself and my position", what do you mean?
Reply 7
Mad Caddie
I don't think I'm good enough for her, I don't treat her as well as I think she deserves (though she never complains), I think she could do so much better.

hmm, I know what you mean there...
Reply 8
Mad Caddie
How did it turn out?

I don't think my gf minds as such, I have complete trust in her and she knows it, but I'm not content with myself and my position, it's a strange feeling.

she doesnt really speak to me anymore hehe.

she had a few more screws lose than me though.
I was with a depressed person for over a year, and it did piss me off sometimes.
I suffer from depression and stayed well clear of relationships. If I can't look after myself then I can't be a good girlfriend to anyone and they sure as hell won't be able to deal with me. Unless its the most perfect relationship ever then don't inflict it on anyone else, you put them in a position where they are permanently concerned about you and feel they are incapable of making you happy. I certainyl feel that I don't have as much to give to a relationship as others....I either talk about my feelings and hurt the other person or I don't and I'm not being sharing and trusting like a good partner is. I am constantly confused, agressive or tearful and I couldn't bear to put that stress on anybody else, if i can't get a grip of my feelings then no one else will. I just started going out with my ex, but we've been best friends for years and I don't talk to him about my problems because it would just complicate things. Our relationship is very casual and relaxed, and needs to be seeing as i can take very little responsibilty. Before that, i vowed never to get involved with anyone, as as soon as i got close to someone i messed it up, as i find little joy in anything anymore.Happy happy!
Reply 11
Well i dont suffer from depression (i dont think) but everytime i find a girl who seems intrested i always think to my self "why would she go for me?" or "she would be happyer with somebody else"

i just guess my state of mind isnt relationship friendly :rolleyes: