The Student Room Group

Modern Languages at Durham!

Hey everyone! :smile:

(There may already be a similar thread posted on these forums... but after looking through about 15 pages I've given up hope of finding it... thought I may as well just make a new one!)

Has anybody else applied to read Modern Languages at Durham?

I've applied to do French and Spanish... and am still waiting on a reply...!! (Getting worried/impatient now!)

Has anybody else received offers for languages yet?

Also, I've heard a rumour that the admissions tutor for languages at Durham has been ill, hence the late offers... does anyone know if there's any truth behind this??

L.J. xx

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Reply 1
Hi there:smile: I've applied for modern languages at Durham too and I was also beginning to worry! I'm still waiting to hear from them as well. At least there's two of us:smile: lol
Reply 2
I've also applied for French and Spanish and also heard the rumour about the admissions tutor being ill...
Don't be too worried about the lack of contact from them, I've not heard of anyone with an offer for languages yet and know a couple of people who didn't get offers last year until about March! Good luck with your applications!
Reply 3
I've applied for French and Spanish too :smile: I hadn't heard about the admissions tutor though...
Yeah, I don't know anybody with offers either, so I wouldn't worry. Still, the waiting's horrible :frown: hehe.
Reply 4
Thanks for the quick replies's soo reassuring to hear that there are plenty of others in the same boat!
The waiting is horrible... but I guess we'll just have to stick it out together haha! :P
Post on this thread if you hear anything or have any gossip...
L.J. xx
Reply 5
It's not modern languages... i havent heard a thing about my course either
Reply 6
hey - I applied for modern languages too, course T900 - studying German and Spanish :smile:

I, like you all, am still waiting :biggrin:

good luck! :smile:
Reply 7
hey i applied for german spanish and italian [german and spanish from a level]
ive checked durham AES and its still not been sent to the college yet
handed mine in on 6th november do you think they'll be done before march?
Reply 8
hey i applied for german spanish and italian [german and spanish from a level]
ive checked durham AES and its still not been sent to the college yet
handed mine in on 6th november do you think they'll be done before march?

whats durham AES?
yes i know im stupid
Reply 9
Just to let you guys know, I graduated in June in French and Italian (also did ab initio Spanish in my 2nd year) so if anyone has any questions, ask away :smile:
Reply 10
whats durham AES?
yes i know im stupid

nah ur not stupid lol i only just heard bout it
durham aes is like the unis own ucas track. if u go on, u use ur UCAS number then the number they send u on the email they confirmed ur application with, just tells u whether department has received it and whether college has received it
if college havent received it yet its still bein considered
hope that helps :smile:
Although Becca's probably a better bet, I'm a first year languages student (spanish russian and ab initio italian), so again, if anyone has any questions, shoot :smile:
Reply 12
I'm applying for French and Spanish too, so glad nobody else has heard because I was getting really worried about the ridiculous time it was taking them to do anything! My application hasn't been passed to a college either. I was going to post a very similar thread but was too scared that everyone would reply saying they had places- this is very reassuring though! xxx
Reply 13
Originally Posted by isawsparks89
Although Becca's probably a better bet, I'm a first year languages student (spanish russian and ab initio italian), so again, if anyone has any questions, shoot

i was thinkin of doin 3 languages in the 1st yr - r u findin its too much work and r u considerin dropping one of em at end of 1st yr.
its just sum1 sed to me i shud apply for 2 cos id be spreading myself too thin
dunno :confused: ?
i was thinkin of doin 3 languages in the 1st yr - r u findin its too much work and r u considerin dropping one of em at end of 1st yr.
its just sum1 sed to me i shud apply for 2 cos id be spreading myself too thin
dunno :confused: ?

I'm only speaking from my personal experience and remember, I've only been at Durham for 11weeks, but here goes....

I think I'm going to give up italian at the end of the year - I really am trying my best at keeping up with it, but if I dont get up to speed, then it's not going to go anywhere if I'm honest. It's more because I'm a slow and pernickety worker though. I think that it's definitely possible and I wouldn't worry - after all, they wouldn't give you the chance of doing three languages if they didn't think it possible

Just out of interest, which languages are you planning to do and more importantly, which are you planning to start as your third? Depending on which ones you're doing, Becca and I may be able to help advise you :smile:
i was thinkin of doin 3 languages in the 1st yr - r u findin its too much work and r u considerin dropping one of em at end of 1st yr.
its just sum1 sed to me i shud apply for 2 cos id be spreading myself too thin
dunno :confused: ?

Ah, sorry oddjob, just read your previous post about you doing german spanish and ab initio italian. Well, I find spanish and italian quite mix-up-able - HOWEVER, this makes understanding it easier, definitely. The italian department are..pretty good tbh.

Remember, within the first two weeks at Durham, you can change your course - therefore you may be able to try italian for two weeks or so - if it's not your thing, you can see the head of mod foreign langs and she'll be able to sort it and she'll tell you what to do.

ALSO, sorry to add so many points - initially I applied to do russian and spanish. When I got to uni, when registering for modules I changed it to italian and spanish. Then two weeks after I was doing all three - PLEASE DON'T take my word for this with all the unis you're applying to, but it's possible in Durham :smile:

Good luck with your application :smile:
havent heard anything either..
Reply 17
i havent heard anything either...
anyone else applied for mod lags at Grey?
got my offer!
Reply 19
Got an offer for French and Spanish: 36 points in the IB. Although AES still says that my application has not yet been received by a college.

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