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Reply 1
See if you can get some mild sleeping tablets from your doctor. I've had some in the past, and they weren't too bad. Do you know why you're not sleeping? Is it because your brain is too active when you're trying to get to sleep?
Reply 2
See if you can get some mild sleeping tablets from your doctor. I've had some in the past, and they weren't too bad. Do you know why you're not sleeping? Is it because your brain is too active when you're trying to get to sleep?

mum says i mist be worrying about something but im not that i know not too happy about sleeping tablets
Run until you fall over and then run some more and then get up and keep running and then you should be tired enough to sleep.
Reply 4
Run until you fall over and then run some more and then get up and keep running and then you should be tired enough to sleep.

oh right
Reply 5
mum says i mist be worrying about something but im not that i know not too happy about sleeping tablets

No - I know, I wasn't happy about them either, and it took me a long while to actually take them, and when I did, it was only because I realised that I had no other option. They kinda helped in the end - what they did do was get me back into a 'normal' sleeping pattern, which was easier to continue. Once you get out of that normal sleep pattern it's a nightmare (no pun intended....) to get back into.

If you definitely don't want to go down that route though, I'd suggest maybe eating about 15 mins before you go to bed (I know that's not generally advised but, after eating, your body should feel a bit more lathargic), make sure your room is very warm, and put some very soft music on in the background. Try and clear your mind completely, and work through your whole body, making sure you concentrate on getting each part of your body to completely relax, from your toes, all the way up to you mind. Even better, if someone's with you :wink: get them to give you a massage :biggrin:

:frown: hope you manage to get it sorted x
Reply 6
No - I know, I wasn't happy about them either, and it took me a long while to actually take them, and when I did, it was only because I realised that I had no other option. They kinda helped in the end - what they did do was get me back into a 'normal' sleeping pattern, which was easier to continue. Once you get out of that normal sleep pattern it's a nightmare (no pun intended....) to get back into.

If you definitely don't want to go down that route though, I'd suggest maybe eating about 15 mins before you go to bed (I know that's not generally advised but, after eating, your body should feel a bit more lathargic), make sure your room is very warm, and put some very soft music on in the background. Try and clear your mind completely, and work through your whole body, making sure you concentrate on getting each part of your body to completely relax, from your toes, all the way up to you mind. Even better, if someone's with you :wink: get them to give you a massage :biggrin:

:frown: hope you manage to get it sorted x

theres no one
Reply 7
:frown: well, try the other stuff I mentioned then.

I know it's difficult not to be down when you're tired, and your mind just feels so fuzzy and heavy, try and do things to lift yourself out of it during the day - you really must try not to sleep during the day if you can - get some friends together and do something fun.

I hasten to add, but looking at a computer screen probably isn't helping much, because that automatically makes your eyes feel tired. Try and get as much fresh air as you can during the day to try and keep you alert, and then hopefully you'll find it easier to relax your body when you're trying to sleep.

When you do manage to sleep - on average, how long are you getting?
Reply 8
:frown: well, try the other stuff I mentioned then.

I know it's difficult not to be down when you're tired, and your mind just feels so fuzzy and heavy, try and do things to lift yourself out of it during the day - you really must try not to sleep during the day if you can - get some friends together and do something fun.

I hasten to add, but looking at a computer screen probably isn't helping much, because that automatically makes your eyes feel tired. Try and get as much fresh air as you can during the day to try and keep you alert, and then hopefully you'll find it easier to relax your body when you're trying to sleep.

When you do manage to sleep - on average, how long are you getting?

i dunno im dropping off between 2.30 and 4.30 but have to get up for college
Reply 9
ok, and what time do you normally try getting to sleep?
Reply 10
ok, and what time do you normally try getting to sleep?

if im working il get in for 10.15 not working about 9
try reading a really booooooring book in the dark
Reply 12
try reading a really booooooring book in the dark

im am reading hoping it will help
im am reading hoping it will help

well it has got to be in the dark and really boring if not you will just keep on reading it
Reply 14
ok. instead of trying to get to sleep straight away, try not to focus too much on it. Occupy yourself, do work, or preferably, something more relaxing, until say 12 or 12:30 - (this is just to start off with - as you start sleeping earlier, you can move this target earlier and earlier), and then try and sleep. What I'm thinking is because your body is used to being awake at this time, it won't start shutting down for you until later, and flat blantantly refuses to go to sleep. If you leave going to bed until a little later, when you should be more tired, your body is more likely to listen to you, and you'll get to sleep after a shorter amount of time. As you train your body to do this, make the time earlier and earlier.

Try and get into a routine. I hope some of what I've said has been useful, sorry if you've already tried all this. I really hope you're able to sort it out, it's so mentally draining being tired all the time. I'd definitely suggest going to the doctor though - even if you tell him that you don't want to take sleeping tablets, he might be able to suggest something else.
Take care x
get some lavender spray and put some on your pillow. works a treat for me. Also, try playing some serene music or something.
Reply 16
if ur sleep problem is getting really extreme, have some alcohol. it should make you drowsy / sleepy.
its alright for a one-off thing... but dont make it a habit :s-smilie:
if ur sleep problem is getting really extreme, have some alcohol. it should make you drowsy / sleepy.
its alright for a one-off thing... but dont make it a habit :s-smilie:

I find red wine puts me right to sleep :redface:
Reply 18
if ur sleep problem is getting really extreme, have some alcohol. it should make you drowsy / sleepy.
its alright for a one-off thing... but dont make it a habit :s-smilie:

iv got some mini baylies in my room that might work
Reply 19
iv got some mini baylies in my room that might work

cough syrup will do as well.